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ATTENTION STUDENTS – IEEE Policy change for student membership
The IEEE board of directors has approved a motion authorizing a discount of up to 50 percent on student and graduate student member dues. This discount is being offered immediately to all renewing and first-time student members. Students wishing to take advantage of the discount can do so by using the promo code FUTURE50 during the online check-out process for joining or renewing their IEEE membership. This IEEE Board action is providing financial relief to students affected by the global pandemic and subsequent economic hardships around the world. The action empowers IEEE volunteer leaders with an additional tool to help students in need of IEEE’s resources, as well as assist students whose IEEE membership has lapsed. Students who recently renewed or joined at full price can reach out to the IEEE Contact Center at: contactcenter@ieee.org and request a credit on future membership dues. IEEE Photonics Student Task Force is looking for volunteers The IEEE Photonics Society is establishing a ‘Student Task Force‘, that will be led by the Society’s Associate Vice President for Student Membership. We are currently recruiting student leaders, i.e. AAS, undergraduate and graduate students, who are interested in volunteering and serving as strategic leaders. The Task Force will be responsible for driving student programs and recruitment initiatives in support of the Society’s goal of delivering valuable member experiences and benefits globally. Apply to join this team and enhance your leadership experience and networking connections! Student Leadership Positions Available – Technical & Career Activities; – Education & Leadership Training; – IEEE Etta Kappa Nu (HKN); – Membership & Chapter Development; – Technician/Trade Representative; – Newsletter & Social Media Editors
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Message from Jim Sipes, Chair, IEEE Denver Section We are halfway through 2021 already! How the year is flying by! We are beginning to make plans for hybrid meetings this fall. It will be interesting to see if we can come up with a way to return to being face-to-face for those who are comfortable with it but still maintain active participation for those who are attending virtually. I am currently looking for a venue that will support the bandwidth we need for an effective mixed-mode meeting without costing an arm and a leg to rent the space. Suggestions for a venue are welcome. Over the past several months we have considerably broadened participation by the membership in our monthly Excom meetings by holding them virtually, and maintaining that broader participation is very important. The Section Executive Committee is planning to hold one or more “Meet the Candidates” webinars for the Section membership in early August. We are gathering commitments from the candidates for IEEE President-elect and Region 5 Director-elect to present their views on the future of IEEE and Region 5 and to answer questions from the Section membership. We will be sharing more information on the details of the webinar as they become known. As mentioned in my last update, Denver Section will be hosting the GreenTech conference and Region 5 Annual Meeting again in 2023. The Section has also signed on as a co-sponsor of the 20th biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Fields Computation (CEFC 2022), and Denver will be the site of the 2024 International Communications Conference. All three of these conferences offer many opportunities for getting involved with global conference activities. If you are interested, you can respond to me, and I will connect you with the appropriate Organizing Committee. We still have many opportunities to contribute as a volunteer to the Section or to your Chapter/Group of choice, and all are welcome at our monthly virtual ExCom meetings on the third Tuesday of the month, excepting July and December. And don’t forget our monthly Webex and Learn (aka, Dine and Learn) technical presentations on the second Tuesday of the month. If you have a technical topic that you would like to present at a Webex/Dine and Learn session, or if there is a particular topic or speaker that you know of who would be a good candidate for a Dine and Learn session, please contact Lanbing Shan at dineandlearn@ieee-denver.org to get it scheduled. The key to our being able to return to our normal program of face-to-face meetings across the Section is the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are not yet vaccinated and if it is at all possible, please get the necessary jab as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and see you next time. From the Editor’s Desk, Ernest Worthman Do we really want a fractured next-generation wireless ecosystem? All of us have been watching the ongoing soap opera between the U.S. and China around 5G and other technical vectors. Over the last couple of years, I have had many in-depth conversations with SMEs in the various sectors, 5G, AI, Smart tech, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and more. I do not claim to be a genius, by any stretch of the imagination but collecting and analyzing all of this data has been an eye-opening journey. It is obvious, that, if we pursue the current trajectory with China, the next generations of technology are going to develop much differently than what was envisioned a few years ago. There is certainly concern about dealing with China. They are a monolithic, communist country. That is a fact and that will not change. But, unlike Russia, which has an irrefutable desire to rule the world by conquest China’s vision is to rule the world through technology. Again, unlike Russia, which would nuke us in a heartbeat if we were not equally able to retaliate, China has no particular interest in conquering us by force. Interestingly, a view from some of the global Chinese observers outside of the U.S. (these are neutral experts) now believe that the United States is driven by fear and envy in order to contain China in every possible way. That has ratcheted up the current adversarial environment further fueled by the existing decades-long campaign of the U.S. meddling in China’s internal affairs with the goal of weakening the party’s grip on power. Much of this has failed, however, because, prior to the Trump administration’s draconian actions, China was our largest importer. Most analysts estimate that, by the end of this year, Chinese GDP will be equivalent to around 71 percent of U.S. GDP. China has also replaced the U.S. as the largest destination for foreign investment. The overall impression from global analysts is that in our sparring with China, the momentum is now with Beijing. In the current American political environment, as China has grown richer and more powerful, U.S. politicians, seeing our technological sluggishness behind Chinese technology, have resorted to all kinds of below the belt move against China by playing on public fears and falsifying facts about the U.S.-Chinese trade imbalance, China’s alleged hacking of U.S. institutions, and theft of trade secrets. The epitome of embarrassment for the U.S came when, in 2020, Trump repeatedly accused China of spreading the pathogen that causes COVID-19, referring to it as “the China virus,” and spreading baseless rumors that Beijing has misled the world about the virus’s origins. From China’s perspective the most significant threat seen by them to China’s sovereignty and national security has been the U.S.’ interference in its internal affairs. This vector has long attempted to alter the country’s political system and undermining its perception in the world. Back to the U.S., and looking inward, the last administration made no bones about how it felt about certain races. Not a particularly American attitude. We are also not squeaky clean. We have white supremacists who still think should return to pre-civil war ways. There are also some in this country who are still not over the fact that the south lost the civil war. And experts are warning that a race war in this country is a real possibility. So how do we rest on our laurels when much of what goes on in this country is not that dissimilar to what goes on in Russia and China? Of course, it is not as open as it is there nor as devastating. But if these biases are allowed to run unfretted, I have little doubt that much worse would happen here. Then there is the spying issue. We spy in the name of righteousness. Yet, we also spy on our allies, Germany for example. And our Allies spy on us – Israel for example. However, with all this said, when it comes to technology (and other common good platforms) that should be out of the political arena. Did they implant spy equipment into our imported wireless and compute platforms? Perhaps. Although evidence, other than from the extreme right-wing has been slow in coming and they have yet to present such evidence, publicly. However, to some degree, it likely is true because at some point every nation on the planet is guilty of nefarious actions. We certainly have the right, and obligation to stand for righteousness. But there needs to be a realistic approach to that. Not simply cutting off our nose to spite our face, as the previous administration did with China (while chumming up to Russia, a far worse global threat). For example, the Biden administration just banned Imports of some Chinese solar materials tied to forced labor. That is OK. And that is how it is done. However, banning Chinese telecom giants from supplying advanced hardware because they were suspected of spying is another story. They get a knuckle rap, promise not to do it again and we are aware of their tactics. So, going forward, they would be stupid to continue. And technology advances in lockstep rather than individually. It would seem that by the 21st century, personkind (to be 100 percent politically correct) would have figured it out. All countries have their own particular political and economic philosophies. That will never change (at least not until time travel has been achieved). However, there still needs to be common ground and understanding in areas such as technology. Cross-development in these segments needs to happen on a global cooperative basis. Having the western world develop along one path and the eastern world, another will not benefit either hemisphere in the long run. Nor will it enable transparency, which is necessary for many areas – wireless, AI, medicine, energy, and dozens of others. It is silly to develop these platforms with an eye to completely locking out other players because of personal and political philosophies, based or baseless (of course, exceptions are made for real mouth breathers such as in countries that harbor terrorists, commit genocide, or are dictatorial). The fallout from the continuation of isolationist philosophies, on all sides, will be significant. Great discoveries and advancements, in medicine, for example, need to be globally available. Would there have been a different track for Covid had China and the U.S. been on a pre-Trump relationship basis? Certainly, worth pondering. In wireless, developing beyond 5G (B5G) will demand global collaboration (as should 5G). Parallel development paths by feuding nations will not benefit technological advancement nor develop the kind of ecosystem an advanced civilization requires. Next-generation smartphones running dissimilar OSs, for example, because one country locked another out of access to code or hardware is ridiculous. All this does is slow development and increase costs and complicate global communications. It is silly to think the U.S. will recapture the lead in technology as many are thinking. This is not post-WWII where we had the resources to take the lead in technological development. In many areas, China is already ahead of the U.S. Cutting them off from our technology will only lead to them developing their own version. And for the U.S. to build the infrastructure to try and catch up with technology will take years, and all the while China is racing ahead. It would be so much wiser to work something out with them in both 5G and B5G (and AI, and autonomous vehicles, and…). There is so much more to this conversation, but it is long enough. Would I love to see everybody do the right thing? Of course. And are we the moral compass of the world? Perhaps we were at one time, but not now. And we do not have the power any longer to force change. In any event, we need to fix what is wrong here first. I neither love nor hate China or the U.S. Of course, there are countries I have strong opinions about. But that matters not. What matters is a reasonable approach to understanding the world of today and functioning as intelligent adults and not allowing emotionally handicapped lawmakers working off of personal feelings. Future City Competition Event Wrap Sponsored, in part by the Denver section, the Future City Colorado Virtual Regional Competition was held on Saturday, February 20th, 2021. Nine teams vied to represent Future City Colorado at the virtual national competition in April. The competition challenge, Living on the Moon, asked middle school students to imagine a city on the moon 100 years in the future. Students worked to overcome the many daunting challenges of living on the moon as they created their city. Teams wrote an essay about their city, developed a project plan, built a city model, created a PowerPoint presentation of this model (with a video of a moving part) and produced a 7-minute video about their city. On finals day they participated in a virtual Question and Answer with judges before the final four teams were selected.
Thank you to the special awards sponsors Bentley Systems, Team Rubicon, John Elway Dealership Group, NCEES, ASCE Denver, AIChE Rocky Mountain Section, Project Management Institute, National Repertory Orchestra, and Gates Industrial Corporation Foundation Denver. In addition to the contributions from the corporations, professional organizations and corporations mentioned above we want to thank IEEE Denver, F Cubed Foundation, Rocky Mountain Crude Oil, and Holy Cross Energy. With the donations from foundations, individuals, and corporate donors we were able to conduct the virtual regional competition, provide hoodies to team members, teachers and mentors, and have a financial reserve to start our 2021-22 fiscal year. We also gave a $100 cash award to each school for its STEM program, $100 to each special award We received the following thank you note from Silver Spruce Academy: Thank you so much for the great year of Future City. Our students ended up enjoying the future city on the moon challenge. They especially love the hoodies. They were an added bonus this year so thank you very much. Thank you also for the free entry, greatly appreciated. Next year’s competition will be held at the Colorado School of Mines on Saturday, January 22, 2022. The challenge is to design a waste-free city that uses the principles of a circular economy. A circular economy is based on three principles: Design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. Teams will be challenged to imagine a city 100 years in the future that generates no waste and no pollution.
How Huawei Is Helping To Close The Digital Divide
Evalyn Kagendo didn’t have access to electricity—much less the internet—while growing up in the village of Kithimu in Kenya in the early 2000s. She used a computer for the first time last year. Before starting at Outspan Medical College, Kagendo signed up for a free digital skills class offered by DigiTruck, a program created by Close the Gap, a Belgium-based organization that partners with other organizations and companies to bring digital fluency to the people and places around the world that need them most. The class taught her basic computer skills such as using common word-processing programs, creating databases, conducting internet searches and making slideshow presentations. “I felt I needed some basic skills before I started college,” Kagendo says. Today, the 20-year-old is pursuing a degree in perioperative theater technology, with plans to specialize in orthopedics. DigiTruck made a second digital skills training course she recently took in a college “a breeze,” she says. Opening doors Unlike the “digital natives” growing up in developed countries today, young adults in less-developed parts of the world, including much of Africa, often aren’t widely exposed to computers, the internet and other common technologies. For example, even when Kagendo’s family got electricity when she was in the fifth grade, they still didn’t have internet access. Broadband and fiber-optic cable internet providers serve large and midsize cities in Kenya, but most don’t reach villages like Kithimu, which is about 75 miles north of the country’s capital, Nairobi. When the internet finally arrived in Kithimu, it was only available via mobile phone, but very few villagers had smartphones. Due to lack of exposure, many adults in these areas don’t have the basic computer literacy needed to succeed in college, find good-paying jobs and build careers, says Olivier Vanden Eynde, founder and CEO of Close the Gap. “Only about a quarter of the African population is connected to the internet, and it remains the continent with the lowest internet penetration in the world,” he says. “As we live in an increasingly globalized and digitalized world, the people who are not connected to this digital environment can be left out from many political, social and financial services and communities.” Closing the gaps The DigiTruck program was rolled out to help people in underserved, more remote communities across the globe attain the skills they need to improve overall digital literacy. Huawei, a global provider of technology infrastructure and smart devices, partnered with Close the Gap and other organizations to sponsor DigiTrucks in certain regions, including the one that Kagendo attended in Kenya. Courses are held in shipping containers that have been transformed into classrooms on wheels, with solar panels on the roof for charging devices and a mobile 4G internet connection, so it can be used in remote areas where digital adoption is lagging. Inside, up to 20 students attend classes on different kinds of digital skills, mostly working on laptops or tablets with wireless keyboards, but sometimes also with virtual-reality headsets. “As we live in an increasingly globalized and digitalized world, the people who are not connected to this digital environment can be left out from many political, social and financial services and communities.” Olivier Vanden Eynde Founder and CEO, Close the Gap
The DigiTruck stays in each community for four weeks, and classes run an hour or two, from sunrise to sunset—which, on the equator, means 12 hours. Some classes are single sessions, like dealing with e-waste or protecting yourself online, while other more in-depth courses last the whole month. In DigiTruck’s first year in Kenya, nearly 2,300 students were trained, Vanden Eynde says. Demand regularly exceeds the number of openings. DigiTrucks are also spreading digital literacy in Tanzania, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo, with plans to expand further. Beyond sponsoring some DigiTrucks, Huawei’s TECH4ALL program—which promotes digital inclusion and empowerment in underserved communities—has other initiatives around the globe aimed at digital fluency. In Bangladesh, for example, Huawei worked with the government and another organization to outfit six buses, each with 23 workstations, to take digital training to women in remote areas. The company also partnered with Khulisani Enterprise, a South African women-run training provider, to provide basic computer literacy to disabled children near Johannesburg. Lifting up communities Bringing digital skills to people in places where they’re needed helps those people earn income and find better-paying jobs—lifting up the communities economically overall, says Adam Lane, deputy chief executive for government affairs for Huawei in Kenya. In fact, research shows that increasing digital skills is critical to economic growth both globally and on a more local level. For example, more than 230 million jobs in sub-Saharan Africa will require such skills by 2030, according to the International Finance Corporation. Moreover, having these skills not only helps people find jobs, but it also helps them become entrepreneurs and start businesses, Lane adds. Many people who participate in DigiTruck are interested in learning about e-commerce. “We see a lot of people focusing on how to buy things online or sell things online,” he adds. “Whether it’s their local vegetables or other things, understanding how the internet works brings them new opportunities.” IEEE Nominations and Appointments CommitteeThe IEEE Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is responsible for making recommendations of the most qualified individuals, willing to serve, for various positions on the IEEE Board of Directors and its Committees. The N&A Committee also provides the IEEE Board of Directors a recommended slate of candidates for IEEE President-Elect. View the list of volunteer positions The IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee is now accepting nominations for 2022 Assembly and Committee positions and the 2023 President-Elect position. Submit a nomination for yourself or a colleague. You will be taken to the online portal for the submission of nominations. Please contact nominations@ieee.org for any questions regarding the nominations process. IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee Deadline 30 October 2020. Apply today!At IEEE, we believe engineering-driven entrepreneurs are key drivers of tomorrow’s innovations and are integral to advancing technology for humanity. As an association with over 400,000 members worldwide, we seek to foster the entrepreneurship spirit by:
IEEE Entrepreneurship is calling for nominations for Steering Committee Officers in 2021. The deadline to submit nominations for steering committee member positions is 30 October 2020. Eligibility: IEEE Entrepreneurship encourages and welcomes members to participate in liaison roles. Anyone may submit a nomination; you do not need to be an IEEE member to submit a nomination, but this may be a factor in final selections. Self-nominations are permitted and encouraged. IEEE Organizational units may submit recommendations if the governing body or its designee has endorsed the candidate. All applicants should have some experience with entrepreneurship and be able to perform the expected duties of that role. The determination of Steering Committee voting roles is on the basis of a promote-from-within philosophy, which allows IEEE Entrepreneurship Volunteers to start in a liaison role and develop the necessary skills and know-how to progress into more advance roles. Volunteers who have served in a role in the past are eligible for further liaison roles; however, they must complete a new nomination form. Term: The new committee would serve for one year from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. Duties: The duties of the officers can be found on the Volunteer Role Descriptions Page. Nominations should be submitted no later than 30 October 2020. The IEEE Entrepreneurship Committee Chair will post the results newly appointed committee on the IEEE Entrepreneurship Portal on 30 November 2020. IEEE greatly values the contributions of the volunteers and we hope you will consider volunteering for a committee position next year.
Silver Linings By Sarah Beckman, Chair, IEEE WIE 5280 Over the last year, we have all experienced adjustments in what life looks like. As our world opens a bit more, WIE 5280 continues to leverage a virtual platform to engage our community. On April 14th, we experienced an amazing benefit to the virtual world in which we work. WIE hosted a Lunch Break on Zoom about leading with emotional intelligence. We had 25 men and women attend from California to Pennsylvania, and 20 more people across North and South America registered to attend the event for the video replay. This type of reach is something we would have never experienced a little over a year ago. This WIE Break featured Colorado Springs-based executive coach, Sandy Lamb. Sandy had 27 years of Engineering, Construction, and Project Management experience before establishing Altitude Business Coaching as owner and CEO. She spoke to the group about understanding and leveraging emotional intelligence to have a positive leadership impact using Daniel Goleman’s five main elements. Though the session went quickly, we had a great turnout and are excited to bring Sandy back in June for a longer 2-hour EQ program in partnership with the Society of Women Engineers Rocky Mountain Section. We have an excited and passionate group of women – and we are looking for more women and men to join our group and develop a great network of people and support through IEEE. We look forward to expanding our team, hosting engaging events, and developing a larger support network for women in the engineering industry. If you are interested in joining or learning more about upcoming events, please e-mail WIE@ieee-Denver.org for more information and to sign up for notification 2020 WIE Award Winners The IEEE Women in Engineering awards program recognizes WIE members and WIE Affinity Groups who have made an outstanding contribution to IEEE WIE, their community, and the engineering profession, through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the IEEE WIE goals and objectives. Women engineers are among some of the most distinguished contributors to the engineering profession. Here are the 2020 award winners. WIE Inspiring Member of the Year Award: WIE Inspiring Student Member of the Year Award: WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award: WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award: Click here to be taken to the site for more details.
Conferences/Summits/Call for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Vertical and Topical Summit for Tourism The Summit aims to bring together experts from academia and industry from around the world that can contribute to the development of the Hospitality Industry 4.0. The hospitality industry has to meet a broader set of needs than almost any other industry, but technology can help. With the pervasiveness of smart devices, the hospitality industry can have access to an avalanche of information about individual consumers, thus bringing a digital revolution into the tourism sector. The IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Tourism (IoT-VTST’21) solicits proposals in five selected segments of the tourism vertical that are an important component of the worldwide hospitality industry as the focus of the Summit. The IoT can impact and transform the tourism industry by:
For more detailed information about these Summit Theme Related Ideas visit the website here. Important Dates:
Camera-ready Submission: 19 July 2021
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021) CALL FOR PAPERS AND PROPOSALS The 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021) will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 7 -11 December 2021. Themed “Connecting Cultures around the Globe,” this flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 12 symposia, selected areas in communications track and a variety of tutorials and workshops. IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 will also include an attractive Industry program aimed at practitioners, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and vendor exhibits. Industry Forums and Exhibition Program Proposals are sought for forums, panels, demos, seminars and presentations specifically related to issues facing the broader communications and networking industries. Tutorials Proposals are sought for half- or full-day tutorials in all communication and networking topics. Workshops Proposals are sought for half- or full-day workshops in all communication and networking topics. -Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks –Communication and Information System Security –Communication QoS –Reliability and Modeling Selected Areas in Communications: – Aerial Communications – Big Data – Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage – E-Health – Full-Duplex Communications – Machine Learning for Communications – Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications – Quantum Communications and Computing – Satellite and Space International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. The event facilitates an intense dialogue between academic and industry to bridge the gap between academic research, industry initiatives, and governmental policies. IEEE ANTS 2021 will be held at Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) Hyderabad which was established by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1996. The theme of the conference, “Ubiquitous Digital Connectivity and Economic Prosperity for All“, will foster an environment for deliberating on different research aspects on the said topic. We are currently accepting paper submissions on the following topics:
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids 25-28 October 2021 // Aachen, Germany; Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual Conference The 12th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2021) is a premier forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government institutions, and regulators with background in communications, energy, control, signal processing, analytics and information systems to exchange ideas, explore enabling technologies and share experiences related to smart grids. SmartGridComm 2021 will take place 25-28 October in Aachen, Germany and online; the event will be co-located with IEEE ISPLC 2021. Call for Papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on all aspects of communications, control and computing technologies for smart grids covered by the four technical symposia:
The final paper submission deadline is June 15, 2021. Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)29 November – 2 December 2021; San Diego, CaliforniaThe Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) will be held in San Diego, California on 29 November–2 December 2021. This conference is the premier forum for collaborators across industry, government and academia to share research related to military communications. Call for Papers: MILCOM 2021 solicits technical papers and proposals for tutorials and panels on current and emerging topics applicable to all facets of military communications, covering the following areas:
We encourage professionals in industry, academia, and government worldwide to contribute and participate. The general forum will be open to all and accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. There will also be a Restricted Access Program to support Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) materials and a Classified Program. View the full call for papers. Papers submissions are due 2 July 2021. *Special session paper submissions are due 16 July 2021.MILCOM IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) is a premier forum for cyber security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and users to exchange ideas, techniques and tools, raise awareness, and share experiences related to all practical and theoretical aspects of communications and network security. The conference seeks paper submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research results in communications and network security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Anonymity and privacy technologies, Biometric authentication and identity management, Blockchain, Censorship countermeasures and privacy, Combating cyber-crime (anti-spam, anti-phishing, anti-fraud techniques, etc.), Computer and network forensics, Cyber deterrence strategies, Data and application security, Data protection and integrity, Game-theoretic security technologies, Implementation and evaluation of networked security systems, Information-theoretic security, Intrusion detection, prevention, and response, Key management, public key infrastructures, certification, revocation, and authentication, Malware detection and mitigation, Security metrics and models, Physical-layer and cross-layer security technologies, Security and privacy for big data, Security and privacy for data and network outsourcing services, Security and privacy for mobile and wearable devices, Security and privacy in cellular networks, Security and privacy in cloud and edge computing, Internet Security: protocols, standards, measurements, Security and privacy in crowdsourcing, Security and privacy in cyber-physical systems, Security and privacy in emerging wireless technologies and applications (dynamic spectrum sharing, cognitive radio networks, millimeter wave communications, MIMO systems, smart/connected vehicles, UAS, etc.), Security and privacy in peer-to-peer and overlay networks, Security and privacy in Wi-Fi, ad hoc, mesh, sensor, vehicular, body-area, disruption/delay tolerant, and social networks, Security and privacy in smart cities, smart and connected health, IoT, and RFID systems, Security for critical infrastructures (smart grids, transportation systems, etc.), Security for future Internet architectures and designs, Security for software-defined and data center networks, Security in machine learning, Social, economic, and policy issues of trust, security, and privacy, Traffic analysis, Usable security and privacy, Web, e-commerce, m-commerce, and e-mail security. IEEE COMCAS The International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering & Electronic Systems will be held on November 1-3, 2021 in Tel Aviv, Israel. IEEE COMCAS is one of the world leading IEEE conferences, and we expect to welcome Scientists, Engineers, Managers, and Researchers (from academia, industry and government institutions) from all over the world. In 2021 the International IEEE COMCAS will continue to evolve and provide an advanced multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, research results, and industry experience in a range of key areas i.e., communications and sensors, antennas, biomedical engineering, RF and Microwave devices and circuits, thermal management and electronic packaging, signal processing and imaging, as well as radar, acoustics and Microwave system engineering. In its entirety the event includes a technical program, industry exhibits, and guest presentations from global experts on recent academic and industry advancements. Israel is among the first countries to begin recovery from COVID-19. Thanks to our mass vaccination drive, the economy is starting to return to normal, face 2 face conferences and events are happening again and we are pleased to announce that IEEE COMCAS, one of the leading international conferences will occur before the end of 2021. IEEE COMCAS is a wonderful opportunity to visit Israel which is gradually re-opening its borders, and enjoy the good energy and the feeling of the world returning to its former state. Authors are invited to submit their contributions for review electronically. Papers are solicited in a wide range of topics. EEE COMCAS is a wonderful opportunity to visit Israel which is gradually re-opening its borders, and enjoy the good energy and the feeling of the world returning to its former state. Authors are invited to submit their contributions for review electronically. Papers are solicited in a wide range of topics. IEEE COMAS 2021 will continue to feature, the contests for: The Mini-Circuits Harvey Kaylie Best Paper Award And The European Microwave Association (EuMA) Student Paper Awards See more details at https://www.comcas.org/Portals/153/CFP02-05-digital.pdf Important Dates: For author’s instructions and further information, see Call for Papers: https://www.comcas.org/Portals/153/CFP02-05-digital.pdf or visit the conference web site: www.comcas.org WCNPS The 6th Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS 2021) is scheduled for November 18 and 19th, 2021, in Brasília, Brazil. Topics Include: Covid-19 Related Research And Technology, Internet, Communication Theory And Techniques, Information Security, DSP Algorithms And Hardware Implementations, Ranging And Localization, Fixed Networks, Wireless Networks, Multimedia Signal Processing, Non-Conventional Applications Of Signal Processing, Non-Conventional Application Of Communication Theory, Internet Of Things, Big Data, Data Science, Foundations, Control And Operation Of Power Systems, Electromagnetic Transients, Non-Conventional Sources Of Energy, Power System Modelling And Simulation, Power System Planning, Power System Protection, Power Quality, Smart Grids, Power System Disturbance Diagnosis. Prospective authors are invited to submit a four to six pages paper including figures and references. IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) 17-19 November 2021 // Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic The IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) is an international conference organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Latin America Region. This year, the 13th edition of the conference, LATINCOM 2021, will be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 17-19 November 2021. We are seeking submissions of original, unpublished, high-quality research papers focused on (but not limited to) the following areas of interest:
Submissions are due 16 August 2021.
IIEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking CloudNet 2021 will bring together the world’s most distinguished researchers and industry experts in the cloud networking field virtually on November 8-10, 2021. This is a great opportunity for you to present your research and exchange ideas with a highly motivated audience. We are seeking submissions of original, unpublished, high-quality research papers focused on (but not limited to) the following areas of interest:
Submissions are due 14 July 2021. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference The 2022 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) will be held from 8-11 January 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are accepting paper submissions on the following topics:
Paper submissions are due 1 July 2021. Nothing here this issue but stay tuned and have a wonderful summer… GreenTech 2021 & R5 Annual Meeting Denver Section will be again hosting the GreenTech & R5 Annual Meeting in 2021. The Students Robotics Competition is an exciting part of the the R5 Annual Meeting. The Conference Organizing Committee is forming up if you’d like to be involved in making this great fun conference happen, please contact conferences@ieee-denver.org. by Ian MacMillan You can see all of our upcoming events on the IEEE Denver Events Calendar The IEEE Denver Section is comprised of over 3600 engineers and technical professionals in the Denver – Boulder area. Mission Statement Enrich the professional and personal lives of the Rocky Mountain Region members, developing them into valued contributors to society through quality programs, continuing education, career development and community service; in collaboration with IEEE, industry, government and academia.