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AGL eDigest Newsletter | Applied Wireless Technology Magazine |
White Paper – Wireless Communications and Applications Above 100 GHz: Opportunities and Challenges for 6G and Beyond. By Prof.Theodore Rappaport, David Lee/Ernst Weber Professor, Founding Director NYU WIRELESS, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering, Courant School of Computer Science, Langone Medical Center /Radiology, New York University. |
On the Edge – 5G and the fourth Industrial Revolution – By Vicki Livingston, 5G Americas | Insight – 451 Research – Smart Cities |
August 2019 Volume 10 Issue 2
Original Brooklyn’s2644 West Colfax Ave.Denver, CO 80204 *Except July & December
Open Positions Some of the Standing Committees where we could use some great volunteers include:
Actually just about anything you can think of, we’re interested in talking to you!If you are interested in volunteering, please send email to Positions will be open until filled. Try Something New!Whether you are active in IEEE ExCom, are a chair of a technical society, or just a paying member, we thank you for being a part of something that we think is pretty great. If you want to get more involved, you know where to find us! And if you just want to enjoy the hard (and not-so-hard) work of our volunteers by attending our events we would love that even more! Take advantage of the monthly volunteering efforts we have put together for you. Try something new, meet some new people, and learn something new by listening to a distinguished lecturer. Oh, and thank you for being a reader of our newsletter! |
Message from IEEE Denver Section Chair ![]() Our chapters and affinity groups are conducting tours, volunteering in STEM events for school age children, and holding technical talks to share knowledge. Some are working on conferences such as the Region 5 and Greentech conference that are coming to Denver in 2021. Others are creating this newsletter, or helping to organize meetings. And others are making contacts and sharing knowledge in countless other ways. Volunteering at the IEEE can be whatever you make of it. If the existing projects are not of interest to you, perhaps there are new ideas, or projects, you would like to bring to the Denver Section. As long as your idea fits with the mission of the IEEE, and brings value to its members, chances are you will find support for it among other volunteers. Do you have an idea you want to work with in the Denver Section? Here is how you get started and some suggestions on how to find resources to help you. 1) Attend the next ExCom meeting. See the Denver Section website calendar for details and the schedule. 2) Present your idea to the group, either informally or formally if you need resources. 3) Discuss the idea with volunteers to see which chapters and/or groups connect with it most, and connect with others who are interested. 4) The Denver Section can vote to support it, or help connect you to the right group who can if you need some additional help or support. 5) Meet with the other members who share interest, or ask for help if you aren’t sure what to do next. Never be afraid to present an idea or project. No one will be anything but supportive, no matter how it goes. If, instead, you simply want to make connections with other IEEE members and don’t know what you want to try, simply attend the next ExCom meeting and ask who needs help. The Denver Section has a lot of activities going on at all times, and plenty of work to do to keep these activities running well! See the website for all the open positions. If there is something on that list that interests you, whether vacant or not, come prepared to discuss how you can help. We in the Denver Section will help you get started. As IEEE members, we get the most of our membership by volunteering.This lets us accomplish many things as a group, and row our skills and contacts too. Attend the next ExCom meeting and get The most of your IEEE membership value. From the Editor, Ernest Worthman Hello everyone. My name is Ernest Worthman. I would like to take a moment and introduce myself as the new Editor for the Mile High Spark. As I take the helm of this publication, I would like to tip my hat to Ian MacMillian, our last Section Chair and previous editor for all his time, effort and hard work. It takes a lot of commitment to be a section chair AND publish a newsletter, AND run GreenTech and all the other behind-the-scenes work he has been responsible for. Thanks, Ian, I hope I can do half the job you did on this newsletter. Next I would like to welcome Our new Section Chair, Jason Rupe. I have had the chance to get to know him a bit over the last couple of months and I know he will make an excellent Section Chair. And, I would also like to thank the rest of the Denver section volunteers, from chairs to students, that make countless committees, activities, programs, events, and more, successful. They work tirelessly behind the scenes and rarely get the recognition they deserve. Hats off to all of you, as well. That being said, on to business. One of the items on my agenda is to bring technical content to this newsletter. I would like to start adding technical papers, articles, case studies, white papers, even opinions and a blog. If you have something you would like to see in print, please contact me: I will be happy to find a home for it. Next, notice there are some new tabs near the top of the page. The ones with the blue background will take you to a wireless publication site. I am the Executive Editor of Applied Wireless Technology and AGL’s eDigest newsletter. AWT covers the cutting edge of wireless – from DC to light and all of the segments wireless touches. Topics of coverage include 5G, autonomous vehicles, millimeter wave, edge networks, licensed and unlicensed spectrum, the Internet of Everything/Everyone (IoX), software, cybersecurity, smart “X”, virtual “X”, emerging technologies, wireless ecosystems (government/aerospace/defense, enterprises, healthcare, telemedicine), SDN, NFV, fiber optics, embedded systems – anything that has a wireless interface. The eDigest is a bit of a different animal. Rather than scrap news and regurgitate it, as so many newsletters do, ours takes a deeper dive into what is happening – the whats and whys and what it means to the wireless industry. I would invite everyone to check these resource out. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Workshop on Blockchain in Telecommunications: Emerging Technologies for the Next Decade and Beyond – IEEE Global Communications Conference 9-13 December 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA Scope and TopicsBlockchain is a decentralized, transparent and trusted database, defined as part of the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) framework, and considered as an enabling technology of new IT enterprise systems and applications. Blockchain in Telecommunications is a new powerful concept that can tremendously improve telecom networking operations and customer-facing processes experience, adding a new layer of authentication, validation and security for all telecom assets and transactions. Telecom companies will benefit most from enterprise, permissioned Blockchain solutions to enhance existing IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operations Technology) solutions to address fraud prevention, customer identity management, mobile transactions settlement and mobile payment, among others, Blockchain is still a nascent technology and as such there are challenges for the wide adoption of Blockchain/DLT as a new enterprise and operational layer. These challenges are around scalability, interoperability, standards, privacy, security, governance and consensus mechanisms that need to be defined and validated for telecom-specific applications. This IEEE Globecom Telecom Blockchain Workshop will introduce the basic concepts of Blockchain applied to Telecommunications, and will discuss emerging trends and the challenges ahead. It will also provide a forward-looking perspective on the emerging technologies and key applications in this new field. TOPICS TO BE COVERED (Call for Papers)This workshop will be aligned with IEEE Blockchain Initiative strategic directions and promoted as a joint initiative with Globecom Paper submission link: The IEEE Globecom Telecommunications Blockchain Workshop invites prospective authors to submit their original technical work on any aspect of engineering, science, and technology of current interest to the workshop. Topic areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
Contact Tim Weil for details – COMPSAC 2019 Conference Report> by Tim Weil – Chair, IEEE Denver Communications Society There is a tremendous wealth of knowledge in this conference as was highlighted by this panel of 9 past IEEE Presidents – L-R; Kathy Land (2009), Dejan Milojicic (2014), Cecilia Metra (2019), Hironori Kasahara (2018), Jean-Luc Gaudiot (2017), John Walz (2012), Sorel Reisman (2011), Carl Chang (2004) and Stephen Yau (1974-75). The 43rd COMPAC conference, hosted by the IEEE Computer Society, is a flagship conference for researchers, academics, government and industry. COMPSAC is the signature conference on Computers, Software, and Applications and this year’s program in Milwaukee, WI. highlighted the theme of ‘Data Driven Intelligence for a Smarter World’ with an emphasis on the convergence of Data Sciences disciplines in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data (BD) and analytics. The conference was hosted by the new Data Sciences Institute at Marquette University. I was fortunate to have a paper selected in the area of ‘Risk Assessment Methods for Cloud Computing Platforms’[1] and to be able to present this in a symposium called Journal First/Conference Second. With researchers and computer scientists from around the world, I was suitably impressed by the body of knowledge that COMPSAC presents. Conference tracks include the following symposia –
The good news is that this year’s proceedings publicly available at –!/toc/0 and past year programs dating back to 1978 are available from the Computer Society Digital Library (keyword COMPSAC) – Seriously speaking there were more doctors (PhDs) in this program than I’ve seen in a hospital. For my 25 years as a Computer Society member, COMPSAC was a highlight of my membership years. I hope to give a talk at Dine and Learn this September to give more scope to this excellent conference program. [1] IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference in Austin, Texas By Sarah Beckman IEEE WIE 5280, with funds raised for our Sipping ‘N Painting event in December and additional support from the Region’s Executive Committee, was able to send a University woman to the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference in Austin, Texas in May. Our group’s Vision is to grow a group that promotes women in STEM for the benefit of the Colorado Front Range. Being able to support a local University woman helps us achieve that Vision. Madison Le, who won the conference scholarship, is an Electrical Engineering student at Colorado School of Mines with a minor in Computer Engineering. Madison Le said, “I just wanted to say thank you to you and your [organization] for giving me the opportunity to attend such an enlightening conference last month. I learned a lot about strategies to tackle the professional world as a woman in engineering and met some very inspiring women. I hope this program continues to motivate other women just as it has motivated me to take charge and work make a difference for women everywhere. Keep up the good work with these outreach programs, I appreciated all your support to make this possible!” Upcoming Events –
Thanks, and we’re looking forward to a fun and successful 2019! Sarah Beckman, Keaton Looney, Kate Landow and Tom Schafer IEEE WIE 5280 Officers 5th Anniversary, 2019 IEEE WIE Forum USA East 21- 23 November 2019 | Ritz Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA Dear IEEE Members, We are excited to bring you updates on the 2019 IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) Forum USA East on November 21- November 23, 2019 in Arlington, VA (DC area), which will focus on developing and improving leadership skills and driving innovation for individuals at all stages of their careers. Attendees will have the opportunity to be educated, inspired, and empowered by presentations given by successful leaders from the IEEE-USA North-East region. Attendees will also experience the sights and sounds of Washington DC by participating in our tours and activities. CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATION TOPICS
IMPORTANT DATES Presenter Limits – To provide a diverse exposure to speakers, a speaker will only be selected for one session but may submit multiple proposals (panel members may be exceptions). Speakers are responsible for their own travel expenses and registration. Deadline for all submissions 08/16/2019 (Extended and Final!) Decision notification date 09/08/2019 Final Announcement 09/20/2019. Speaker Registration Deadline 10/04/2019 We hope that you will join us and share the attached CFP flyer with your colleagues. Please visit our website for more info: We welcome sponsorship and participation in our program. For more information on the sponsorship levels and career fair, please visit: Sincerely, Neeta Basantkumar & Felicia Harlow, General Co-Chairs 2019 IEEE WIE Forum USA East Dr. Charlotte Blair & Maryam Rahmani, CISSP, Program Co-Chairs 2019 IEEE WIE Forum USA East CONTACT US Colorado Electronic Product Design CEPD is hiring! We’re a consulting engineering company looking for Embedded hardware/firmware Engineers. We have offices in both Broomfield and Loveland Colorado. Job Description: The engineer will be responsible for hardware design, analysis, schematic capture, documentation, software for micro-controllers, and direct customer interfacing. Desired Skills & Experience: The position requires a minimum of a BSEE or similar degree. US citizenship is required. Local candidates only. Strong verbal and written communications skills are required. Experience in analog and digital hardware, DSP, and embedded software/firmware design is desirable. Must know C language. Familiarity with HDL is a plus. Contact us if you are interested at Engineering Students Alive and Well and Living in Colorado Doing Great Things By Jim Harrier, Sr. Member IEEE, K – 12 Facilitator and EMBS Officer Colorado Students in Engineering are turning out in record numbers at Colorado Universities with an astounding variety of innovative ideas, if this cross-section of Senior Design Projects is any indication. This last graduation on May 17 at CU Denver saw 50 + separate undergraduate teams in the engineering sciences (Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Multidisciplinary (CU Denver and Metro State) ) competing in the Spring 2019 Capstone Design Expo all under one roof, on the CU Denver campus. The Denver IEEE has been instrumental in supporting student design projects at many of the area universities (above) over the years. At the end of this story are some great pictures of what is going on at CSU – a far cry from my own final (but still memorable) design project umpteen years ago! What is it? “In their final year of engineering curriculum, students in the College of Engineering, Design and Computing complete a senior design class that provides an important design experience and serves as the culmination of the knowledge and skills they have learned. Each semester the college holds a capstone expo where alumni and industry judges select top projects and teams for recognition. Everyone is invited to attend and to see the students’ amazing work.” – One of the Denver IEEE supported project is the HyperLynx, the CU Denver Team to answer the Tesla Hyperloop Challenge. SpaceX announced the Hyperloop Pod Student Competition in 2015 to promote high-speed ground transportation, in a vacuum through a mile-long tunnel! Team member Andrew Gras has spoken a couple times to the Denver IEEE about the UCD/Metro partnership in this exciting, long-term project. After three years of development, testing and competing with undergraduate university teams from all over the world, SpaceX is sponsoring a fourth competition for July 21, 2019. “As with previous competitions, the competition will be judged solely on one criteria: maximum speed with successful deceleration (i.e. without crashing), and all pods must be self-propelled.”
IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF’19); 30 September – 2 October 2019 Dresden, Germany The 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF’19), jointly organized by IEEE and 5G Lab Germany in conjunction with the IEEE 4th 5G Summit Dresden, will be held in Dresden, Germany, from 30 September through 2 October, 2019. The IEEE 5G World Forum and 5G Summit will take a holistic approach to 5G system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless interfaces, networks, and edge clouds all the way up to Tactile Internet applications. This three-day event offers a unique platform for industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from industry and academia to collaborate and exchange ideas that will help drive standards and rapid deployment forward. Featured Speakers:
Visit for more information
94th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference RF to Millimeter-Wave Measurement Techniques for 5G and Beyond – Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX, USA; January 26-29, 2020 Call for Papers The theme for the 94th ARFTG Conference (which will be co-located with Radio and Wireless Week) is “RF to Millimeter-Wave Measurement Techniques for 5G and Beyond”. We encourage the submission of original papers demonstrating innovative approaches in state-of-the-art high-frequency test and measurement. Contributions exploring all areas of RF, microwave, and mm-wave measurements are welcome. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: • 5G, internet of things (IoT), and over the air (OTA) measurement & calibration • RF-to-Digital, Mixed Signal, Dig-RF • Non-Linear, Large-Signal, Waveforms Measurement and Modelling • RF, Microwave, mm-wave Measurement for Circuits, Devices and Systems • Advances in On-Wafer or In-Fixture measurements, Calibration and De-embedding • Metrology, Calibration and Material Measurements. For details visit Abstracts are due September 27, 2019 ARFTG Student Sponsorship Program Are you an M.S. or Ph.D. student who would like to attend the fall/winter ARFTG Conference? We can help! – Free conference registration – Free hotel (up to 3 nights at the conference hotel) For details on the Student Sponsorship Program visit: Or email: The deadline for applying is September 27, 2019 ARFTG Roger Pollard Memorial Student Fellowship in Microwave Measurements. The purpose of the fellowship is to recognize and provide financial assistance to graduate students who show promise and interest in pursuing research related to improvement of radio frequency and microwave measurement techniques. The fellowship is named in memorial of Roger Pollard, in honor of his leadership in Microwave Measurement and Microwave Measurement education. One or more $7500 gold awards and/or $5000 silver awards may be granted each year. The number to be presented will be determined by the ARFTG Executive Committee yearly based on available funding and on the number and quality of applications received. The application deadline will be listed on the web site. For details on the Student Fellowship visit: Or email: The deadline for applying is October 1, 2019.
The IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE UEMCON 2019), Columbia University, New York, USA; 10 – 12 October 2019 This conference aims to bring together scholars from different backgrounds to emphasize dissemination of ongoing research in the fields of Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication. Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in above mentioned fields and related technologies. The conference will include a peer-reviewed program of technical sessions, special sessions, business application sessions, tutorials, and demonstration sessions. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for publication to: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Click HERE for the conference flyer ( Extended Version of accepted and presented papers from IEEE UEMCON 2019 will welcome to be submitted for publication at the Special Issue of SENSORS (MDPI); IMPORTANT DEADLINES:
IEEE Power Electronics Society Event The Denver chapter of IEEE PELS will hold a graduate student conference presentation redux for our next meeting. This event will take place on September 10th, from 6 PM – 8 PM at CU Boulder’s engineering center and will feature previous conference presentations from power electronics focused graduate students in the Denver area. Current presentation topics include LED Drivers, multilevel converter models, single-input-multiple-output architecture synthesis, and more to be announced. If you missed the presentations from local graduate students at APEC, ECCE, or COMPEL this will be a great opportunity to keep up with the research going on in Denver area universities. Each presentation will also be followed by a Q&A session. We will also have food (Not Pizza!) and drinks for dinner during the presentations. Please RSVP via email ( so we can make sure to have enough for everyone! Please let me know if you have any dietary restrictions as well. If you know anyone that may also be interested in attending, please feel free to forward this to them. Everyone is welcome regardless of membership in IEEE or PELS. Also, last but not least, if you’d like to present (or know someone else who would) please get in touch with me, we still have a few spots left! Hope to see everyone there! Full Details: Date: Tuesday, September 10th at 6 PM Location: University of Colorado Boulder, Engineering Center, ECCR 265 Parking: Parking is free in the engineering lot/garage after 5 PM Food: Yes!
ICCAD 2019 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 11/4/2019 – 11/7/2019, The Westin Westminster, Denver CO ICCAD 2019 is the premier conference devoted to technical innovations in electron design automation. Presentations are highly technical in nature, and papers are published in IEEE and ACM digital libraries. View program. Register at the best rate now through October 7. View Registration Rates and Register ICCAD has a discounted room rate of $179 king/double for November 2 – November 7, 2019. The room rate includes complimentary Wi-Fi. Please note that to secure this rate you will need to make your reservation through The Westin Westminster. The special room rate will be available until Wednesday, October 10, 2019 by 5:00 pm Mountain Time or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. Book Now! Student Grants Available The SIGDA Diversity Advancement Grants are provided to students who are travelling to the SIGDA sponsored conferences. These awards are intended to increase the participation and inclusion of under-represented groups in SIGDA and support student success. MTT-S Cubesat Challenge IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Ready for Launch?! MTT-S recently announced the MTT-Sat Challenge for groups of students developing RF hardware for cubesat applications. The deadline for proposals is October 2019. Further details can be found at The MTT-Sat Challenge is a worldwide competition for teams of undergraduate and graduate students to design and build radio frequency (RF) and microwave hardware for small satellites. The most promising designs will undergo space environmental qualification testing and will be incorporated in a cubesat, which will be launched into orbit (in case MTT-Sat Challenge secures enough funding and a participation in cubesat projects). The main goal of the MTT-Sat Challenge is to advance space RF and microwave education, inspire students to pursue science and engineering education and careers, and prepare tomorrow’s leaders with the interdisciplinary teamwork skills, which are necessary for success. The MTT-Sat Challenge is managed by the IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S), a federally-incorporated not-for-profit organization, with additional experts and advisors in the field. The MTT-Sat Challenge is intended to run over four academic years, starting in June 2019, and is divided into several phases spanning over all technology readiness levels. Proposals can be submitted for every single phase. At this time, IEEE MTT-Sat Challenge is calling for ideas, which might come from one of the following fields: transceiver based on commercial of the shelf (COTS) components, antenna systems and arrays for cubesats, ground terminals for low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, radiation-hardened electronics based on COTS components, inter-satellite communications, electromagnetic (EM) sensors for cubesats, novel RF technologies for space applications. Please find more detailed information at The deadline for submission is October, 1, 2019, 11 pm (Hawaii Standard Time). If you plan to submit a proposal, please submit a short Letter of Interest by end of August 2019 to GreenTech 2021 & R5 Annual Meeting Denver Section will be again hosting the GreenTech & R5 Annual Meeting in 2021. The Students Robotics Competition is an exciting part of the the R5 Annual Meeting. The Conference Organizing Committee is forming up if you’d like to be involved in making this great fun conference happen, please contact by Ian MacMillan
by Jackie Adams
You can see all of our upcoming events on the IEEE Denver Events Calendar 2019 IEEE-USA Co-Sponsored Conferences 6-9 Oct Charlotte, N.C.International Conference on Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life Using ICT & IoT and AI (HONET-ICT), Call for Papers | Papers Due: 25 August 2019 10-12 Oct New York, N.Y.
IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) Call for Papers | Papers Due 7 August 2019 16-18 Oct Ottawa, ON, Canada 2019
IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE) 17-20 Oct Seattle, WA 2019
IEEE Global Humanitarian Conference (GHTC) 5-6 Nov Woburn, Massachusetts
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) 15-16 Nov Boston, MA
IEEE International Symposium on Technologies on Technology and Society (ISTAS) Papers Due: 16 August 2019
6-8 Jan 2020 Las Vegas, NV 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) Call for Papers | Papers Due: 31 October 2019