June 2018
Volume 9 Issue 2
Section Officers
Chair: |
Vice-Chair: |
Treasurer: |
Secretary: |
Excom Meetings
3rd Tuesdays of the Month*
- 6:00 pm: Supper and Networking
Original Brooklyn’s
2644 West Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
*Except July & December
- Funded a Guatemala Global Health Project (student project)
- Funded a Last Resort Emergency System (student project)
- Nominated Jason Rupe (Vice Chair) as the Chair-elect for 2019-2020
- Sent Jeff Woodard (Vice Chair, ComSoc) to DC for Congressional Visits Day
- Nominated Jim Sipes as Denver Section Treasurer

Open Positions
Some of the Standing Committees where we could use some great volunteers include:
– Awards and Recognition
– Conferences
– Finance & Audit
– Government Relations
– Industry Relations
– Professional Activities (PACE)
– Programs & Events
– Public Relations and Publicity
– Section Student Activities
– Pre-College and Education Activities
– Strategic Planning
– Consultants Network
– Young Professionals
Actually just about anything you can think of, we’re interested in talking to you!
If you are interested in volunteering, please send email to chair@ieee-denver.org. Positions will be open until filled.

Try Something New!
Whether you are active in IEEE ExCom, are a chair of a technical society, or just a paying member, we thank you for being a part of something that we think is pretty great. If you want to get more involved, you know where to find us! And if you just want to enjoy the hard (and not-so-hard) work of our volunteers by attending our events we would love that even more! Take advantage of the monthly volunteering efforts we have put together for you. Try something new, meet some new people, and learn something new by listening to a distinguished lecturer. Oh, and thank you for being a reader of our newsletter!
Jeff Woodard
Ian Macmillan
Denver Section a Finalist to Host GLOBECOM 2022 |
The Denver Section has the opportunity to host the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) in 2022. The first GLOBECOM was held in 1957. Typical conference attendance attracts an international audience of over 1,500 people.
The Denver Section, together with the Denver Communications Society, is putting together a bid to host the conference. We have formed a GLOBECOM 2022 Exploration Committee and already made it past the first round.
Such a large conference requires significant planning and resources, and is a major opportunity for brand awareness and academic pursuits. Telecom industry professionals and academics can get involved in planning this prestigious conference by reaching out to our Exploration Committee in the link below.
Exploration Committee Contact Form
By Jeff Woodard
IEEE President’s Forum |
On September 27th, 2018 the current CEO & President Jim Jefferies and President-elect Jose’ Moura will address a world-wide audience.
The event is open to all, members, former members, and others interested in learning more about IEEE.
Join us in person in Colorado or view the event on IEEE-TV. Both gentlemen will address the future of IEEE and speak to where the organization is headed.
Members will be able to submit, in real time, questions. Stephen Welby Executive Director and COO will join Jose’ and Jim to answer your questions.
If you have been wondering about the future of IEEE or have always wanted to ask a question of the organizations top management, this is your chance.
Your participation will help influence the direction of our organization for years to come.
The Colorado IEEE Sections urge you to participate!
More information available at: https://www.ieeepresidentsforum.com
Add the event to your calendar: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/172306
The President’s Forum is being hosted by the IEEE High Plains Section in Fort Collins. We are considering chartering a bus from Denver/Boulder to the event in Ft. Collins. If you are interested in the bus charter, please sign up on this Google Form.
by Jeff Woodard
Member Spotlight: Ernest Worthman |
Member Spotlight
Getting to know fellow members and leaders in the Denver IEEE community.

Ernest Worthman
After dismounting his Harley Switchback, named Midnight Lady, wearing a Sturgis Rally t-shirt, in skull cap and leather cut off gloves, he walks into the café, greets me with a grin and our conversation begins. Ernest Worthman: IEEE Senior and Lifetime member, Editorial Director of Wireless Design and Development and Fiber Optic Technology, Editor of RF Design, Technical Editor of Communications Magazine, Cellular Business, Global Communications and a Contributing Technical Editor to Mobile Radio Technology, Satellite Communications, as well as computer-related periodicals such as Windows NT, Principal of Worthman & Associates (since 1990), signals specialist, entrepreneur, speaker, teacher, writer, American soldier, first-class FCC technician and friend, are just a few of the titles and positions he has filled in his life, thus far. His easy going demeaner and welcoming attitude at April’s Dine and Learn, is part of what brought him to my attention. It is Mr. Worthman’s generosity of time in volunteering to the IEEE as a speaker, Press Liaison for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and to Maxfund (a no-kill animal shelter), while still running a business and serving as Editorial Director and Executive Editor that makes him a focus of this article.
Born to survivors of the WWII concentration camps in Europe, immigrant parents displaced from Vienna, Austria, Mr. Worthman grew up as a Jewish boy of modest means in Colorado. He started riding motorcycles as a young man and it has grown to be one of his passions in life. With the U.S. Army draft to Vietnam, he made high marks in his testing and was trained in Signal School and assigned to various locations in Vietnam, Alaska’s Fort Richardson and other places abroad.
Back in the States, Mr. Worthman started going to the Annual Sturgis Rally and has been a participant since the early seventies. He tried out several different job positions from that of an Electronic Digital Technician, audio systems, travel and eventually worked in California for Panasonic in the eighties, to Primemedia in the nineties and into the first decade of the twenty-first century. All the while, Mr. Worthman has served as technical writer, editor, trainer, teacher and consultant for various magazines and technical publications within and outside of his business of Worthman and Associates.
Currently, Earnest Worthman continues to work as Executive Editor and Editorial Director. His experience, expertise and authenticity has provided him a network of noteworthy individuals and has developed his own notoriety. It is not uncommon to see him dining with industry leaders and speaking with a celebrity or two. He enjoys the position of being able to choose his work and spend more time working with his audio equipment, animal causes and motorcycles. His easy going demeaner and informal, personal presentation, outside of work is not to be confused with his professional abilities and end correspondence. As writer, editor, speaker and consultant, Mr. Worthman conducts and presents work on a plethora of topics with clients such as Agilent Technologies, RF Industries, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Advanced Linear Devices to name a few.
Want to learn more about Ernest Worthman? Look him up on LinkedIn or email: ernest_worthman@ieee.org
by Yvonne B. Gray
Congressional Visits Day 2018 |

Jeff Woodard (IEEE-Denver) with Senator Corey Gardner (CO)
The Science, Engineering and Technology Congressional Visits Day (SET CVD) is an annual two-day event that brings scientists, engineers, mathematicians, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. The SET CVD is coordinated by a coalition of professional societies including IEEE-USA.
IEEE-USA asked the Denver Section to send one representative. For the 2018 annual Congressional Visits Day, I had that honor. I volunteer with the Denver Communications Society (Vice Chair) and compile this newsletter for the Denver Section.
The trip was busy, educational, and a ton of fun. IEEE-USA spent the first day giving me a crash course in government funding and typical office politics in a congressional office. After a day of prep I met with both Colorado Senators and the Representative for my home town, Arvada. I explained how government funding for science and research affects me personally and asked our legislators to support that funding. Lucky for me, my meetings were a breeze. Senator Corey Gardner, Senator Michael Bennett, and Representative Ed Perlmutter are all strong supports of research funding so I was preaching to the choir.
If you’d like to represent IEEE-Denver at CVD 2019, start attending our monthly ExCom meetings (including a free dinner) on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
by IEEE-USA and Jeff Woodard
Section Officers Election – Call For Nominations |
The Denver Section is planning the election for 2019-2020 terms. Our officers are term-limited to 2 years, so we have a number of positions opening up. Any IEEE-Denver member is a potential candidate for these positions. If you are interested, the best way to get involved is to attend our monthly ExCom meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
We have created a Section Nominating & Appointments Committee to evaluate potential nominations. To nominate a candidate, reach out to Pankaj Goyal or fill out the contact form on our website.
Section Officer Positions Up for Election:
- Vice Chair
- Treasurer
- Secretary
2018 Elections Schedule (Draft)
Date |
Action |
2018-08-01 |
Call for Nominations to be distributed to the Section membership |
2018-09-07 |
Nominations will be accepted by P. Goyal, Chair DNVR-NAC until COB Mountain Time |
2018-10-05 |
The DNVR-NAC reviews the nominations, conducts interviews, and recommends a slate of candidates to the Denver Section ExCom |
2018-10-16 |
Slate of candidates submitted for approval at the Denver Section ExCom meeting |
2018-10-19 |
Voting starts via VTools |
2018-11-16 |
Voting Ends |
2018-11-20 |
Results will be announced at the Nov. 20 Denver Section ExCom meeting and announced to the membership via eNotice |
by Jeff Woodard and Ian MacMillan
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
A summary of the April Dine & Learn presented to IEEE Members by Ernest Worthman
Ernest Worthman, Executive Editor of Applied Wireless Technology and Principal at Worthman & Associates, presentation on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, April 10th at the IEEE Denver’s, Dine and Learn, made distinctions between machine learning (ML), machine intelligence (MI) and artificial intelligence (AI) in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. After defining each of the terms and how they differ, Mr. Worthman continued to utilize analogies and presentation slides to give detail, providing charts showing the landscape of each platform’s: technological uses, methodologies, limitations and areas of potential expansion for each area. Whether it is in the use of big data in real time analysis or the traditional analytics of static historical data, to that of cyber security and fraud detection, the utilization of these platforms are here to: assist, streamline, change with needs, and overall shape, the present and future relationship of society to data and technology.
Please read this issue’s, Member Spotlight, about this dutiful, IEEE Senior and Lifetime member, Subject Matter Expert (SME), speaker, technology editor and writer. Ernest Worthman may be contacted at: ernest_worthman@ieee.org.
IEEE Denver’s, Dine and Learn, monthly series of talks and presentations, is held at Rock Bott om, in Westminster, Colorado, as a benefit to IEEE members. Time is given to network with other engineers over appetizers, while presenting an array of current topics, exploration of trends and technological research, conveyed in a relaxing environment. For more information, please contact dineandlearn@ieee-denver.org.
by Yvonne B. Gray
Meet IEEE Members – Fall Networking Event |
The IEEE-Denver Section is comprised of thousands of members. From the electrical engineer to the software developer, the aspiring student to the technology executive, the Colorado native to the Indian immigrant, we are a diverse group.
But, we share common interests and are more alike than different. We all have a passion for technology and our industry that lead us to join the IEEE. We are experts in our field or aspiring to become experts. We want to advance our careers or share a lifetime of wisdom with the next generation.
I started attending IEEE events to advance my career and network for my business. What started as a professional endeavor rapidly transformed into friendships and a passion for volunteering in an industry and organization that I care about. I get to eat dinner with a bunch of devoted nerds (a sincere compliment) and advance STEM education every month. I meet distinguished lecturers from diverse backgrounds and industries when we bring them to Denver for Dine & Learns. I got a crash course in government funding and a trip to DC where I lobbied Congress for research funding. And I get to network, and become friends with, a diverse group of professionals that are passionate about their technological field.
I want to meet more of you, so I am organizing a Fall Networking event (the first of an annual series, I hope). We won’t have a distinguished lecturer, an awards ceremony, or an agenda of any kind. We will have a bar and a wide ranging group of technology professionals.
Come network with IEEE-Denver members. We’ll meet on Thursday, September 20th 2018, exact time and location TBD. To select a location, we need a rough forecast of attendance. If you are interested in attending (or know somebody who would be interested) please indicate your interest and sign up for email updates on this Google Form.
by Jeff Woodard
Open Volunteer Positions |
Society |
Postion |
Contact |
Communications |
Secretary |
Denver_Chapter@comsoc.org |
Electromatic Compatibility |
Vice Chair |
r.jost@ieee.org |
Computer |
Webmaster |
gowansj@ieee.org |
Biomedical Engineering |
Vice Chair |
jharrer@ieee.org |
Biomedical Engineering |
Secretary |
jharrer@ieee.org |
Magnetics |
Vice Chair |
nembach@gmx.de |
Reliability |
Chair |
jrupe@ieee.org |
Reliability |
Vice Chair |
jrupe@ieee.org |
Signal Processing |
Chair |
kesslerm@gmail.com |
Signal Processing |
Vice Chair |
kesslerm@gmail.com |
Aerospace & Electronic Systems |
Chair |
Aerospace & Electronic Systems |
Secretary |
Young Professionals |
Chair |
chair@ieee-denver.org |
by Jeff Woodard
Follow IEEE-Denver on Social Media!
Follow along with the local events and happenings of your IEEE Denver section by subscribing on social media. And don’t forget to “like” and share your favorite posts!
by Jackie Adams
You can see all of our upcoming events on the IEEE Denver website, or by following this link. |