See the Upcoming Events for Denver Section in a List Format. This list maybe more current than the Calendar below.
See the list of Upcoming Colorado Conferences
#wie5280 Resume Collaboration Workshop
Room: Koelbel Meeting Room C, Bldg: Koebel Library , 5955 S Holly St, Centennial, Colorado, United States, 80121#wie5280 members looking for peer-review of your resume, and matching job searches to your passion this is for you! We have a room at the library to work on presenting the best you for your next opportunity. Please bring a few copies of your resume, a computer, and a notebook. #wie5280 proudly supports our members in this professional development meeting. Coaches and recruiters from our network are welcome! Room: Koelbel Meeting Room C, Bldg: Koebel Library , 5955 S Holly St, Centennial, Colorado, United States, 80121
IEEE Denver ExCom May 2024 Meeting (In Person and Webex)
Original Brooklyn's, 2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80204, Virtual: Person attendance at Original Brooklyn's, 2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80204. NOTE On Parking: They have been changing which lots they ask you to park in so look at the sign in front of the front door. Last time was lots S,V, or T. There is a QR code inside Brooklyns that will ask for your license plate number, but no payment method is needed. Remote attendance via WebEx call-in: Denver Excom Meeting Hosted by IEEE Denver Section 3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-06:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 6/15/2021 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-06:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 596 761 562 Password: huVJgx2N7b7 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 596 761 562 Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm - Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum - Additions to the Agenda - Officer Reports - Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates - Committee Reports - Old Business - Other Items & New Business - Adjourn Original Brooklyn's, 2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80204, Virtual: