Come join us!  The IEEE Denver Section and its Chapters organize a number of very successful programs through the year including:

  • Annual Picnic
  • Monthly Dine and Learn featuring speakers from a wide range of technical areas
  • IEEE lab tours, for instance Coors and Lockheed Martin
  • “Build something cool” for Grade 6-12 Students (over 80 people attended!)
  • IEEE GreenTech & Region 5 Student Conferences in April, 2026
  • Robotics design competitions
  • Monthly Executive Meetings (open to all members)

….and much more to come!

We need the support of our members to continue to grow our events each year.  Please consider volunteering your time.  The Denver section has many  Standing Committee positions available and we are always looking for new candidates for our biannual Officer elections.  Even small contributions can be a great help! You don’t need to be an officer to work with us.  Organize a tour, put on a special event, bring a workshop to the area, or mentor a student.  If you can picture it, let’s make it happen!  You’ll get to network with a great team of people from a wide collection of companies and universities across the Denver Metro Area.


Why Volunteer?

Below are our Denver Section officers and Standing Committee positions. If you are interested in getting involved with our great team in any of these roles (or in any other capacity where you think your enthusiasm can contribute), please send your name, email address and a brief outline of what you can bring to the IEEE to

Background on the officer roles can be found online along with more detailed overview material at the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) under Volunteer Position Training.



Jeff Hardy 

email:  Chair Denver Section

Mona El Helbawy

email: Vice Chair Denver Section

Sanjeev Pannala

email: Secretary Denver Section

Michele Miller

email: Treasurer

Aakriti Upadhyay

email: Treasurer

Jim Sipes

email: Past Chair


Standing Committees


Yvonne Gray

Awards & Recognition Committee

Ian MacMillan

Conference Planning



Jim Sipes

Professional Activities (PACE)



Claudio Gallo



Social Media

Ian MacMillan



 Education Activities


Ahmed Awwad 

Dine & Learn

Membership Activities


Ian MacMillan

Membership Development

Jim Harrer

Student Activities – K12

Neill Kefauver

Student Activities – College & Universities


Consultants Network

Owen Herman

Life Member Affinity Group

Nur Izzati Umar

Young Professionals

Kate Landow

Women in Engineering Affinity Group



Government Activities



Government Activities Coordinator


If you have any questions, please contact .

You can also contact our Section directly from the Contact Form on our website.

Thank you!