In This Issue

Message From the Chair    Editor’s Column     2021 Congressional Visits Day

Advanced E-Drive Systems     Women in Engineering     Call for Papers     IEEE Happenings
WIE Confenece – Accelerating Though Change  2021 GreenTech & R5  
 IEEE Denver Social Media     Upcoming Events

January/February 2021 Volume 12 Issue

Section Officers:
Vice-Chair: Jeff Hardy
Treasurer: Avijit Saha
SecretarySantosh Veda

Whether you are active in IEEE ExCom, are a chair of a technical society, or just a paying member, we thank you for being a part of something that we think is pretty great. If you want to get more involved, you know where to find us! And if you just want to enjoy the hard (and not-so-hard) work of our volunteers by attending our events we would love that even more! Take advantage of the monthly volunteering efforts we have put together for you. Try something new, meet some new people, and learn something new by listening to a distinguished lecturer. Oh, and thank you for being a reader of our newsletter!
       Excom Meetings

Currently, of course, due to the pandemic these meetings are virtual. Notices will be sent when the will be held.  We will  advise everyone when they are back in person.

Recent Excom Actions
  • Nov/Dec 2020 Finances
  •  2021 Budget
  • 2021 Rebate Policy
Open Positions

Some of the Standing Committees where we could use some great volunteers include:

Actually just about anything you can think of, we’re interested in talking to you! If you are interested in volunteering, please send email to Positions will be open until filled.

  • Awards and Recognition
  • Finance & Audit
  • Government Relations
  • Industry Relations -Professional Activities (PACE)
  • Programs & Events
  • Public Relations and Publicity
  • Strategic Planning
  • Consultants Network
  • Young Professionals

 Local Events     News     Interesting Links

Follow IEEE-Denver on Social Media!  by Jackie Adams
Facebook Page      LinkedIn Group     LinkedIn Page
Follow along with the local events and happenings of your IEEE Denver section by subscribing on social media. And don’t forget to “like” and share your favorite posts!

AGL eDigest NewsletterCurrent Happenings in the Wireless Space

Applied Wireless Technology Magazine

On the Cutting Edge of Everything Wireless

Hot Topics

On the EdgeAccelerating hybrid  and electric mobility in the commercial transportation segment. Insight Evolution of the Intelligent Industrial Edge
Guest Column – Digital is the Great Equalizer in Powering An Accelerated Resurgence  Tech Talk – edgeBoost™, bandBoost™ and coexBoost™ – Three Types of Wi-Fi Filters
Technical Articles and While Papers
Multicore System Management: Hypervisor or Multicore Framework?  By Mentor Graphics
Blockchain Technology: A Comprehensive Survey. By Deepak Sukheja, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad, Lingineni Indira, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad, Prteek Sharma, PIMR, Indore, Sachin Chirgaiya, SVVU, Indore 
Innovative Optical and Wireless Network Global Forum Vision 2030 and Technical Directions. By The IOWN Global Forum
Collaborative Robotics in the Electronics Industry. By The Universal Robots Company
A Survey on the Security of Blockchain Systems. By  Xiaoqi Li, Peng Jiang, Ting Chen, Xiapu Luo, Qiaoyan Wen
A New Sub-Terahertz Testbed for 6G Research. By Kesight Technologies
Solving the E/E systems dilemma of electric and autonomous vehiclesBy Siemens Digital Industries
FogBus: A Blockchain-based Lightweight Framework for Edge and Fog Computing. By Shreshth Tuli, Redowan Mahmud, Shikhar Tuli, Rajkumar Buyya
An Engineer’s Guide to Industrial Robot Designs. By Thomas Leyrer, Miro Adzan, Anant Kamath, Tobias Puetz and Russell Crane. Texas Instruments
Radio fundamentals for cellular networks. By  Rohde & Schwarz
Special Presentation – How Covid 19 has altered the IT Space

As much devastation as the pandemic has had on society,  ironically, some segments have benefitted from it. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a positive impact on IT. However, the pandemic has raised some important issues as well, such as increased and novel cybersecurity threats and risks, performance issues due to significantly increased workload, and business continuity.  This talk expands on, and dissects the National Institute of Standards (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) as an operational model for managing the COVID-19 disruption to information technology (IT) services. Below are brief overviews of the topic and speaker. For more readable copy, simply click on the image below.

This seminar is now available on demand. Click here to view.

ATTENTION STUDENTS – IEEE Policy change for student membership

The IEEE board of directors has approved a motion authorizing a discount of up to 50 percent on student and graduate student member dues. This discount is being offered immediately to all renewing and first-time student members.

Students wishing to take advantage of the discount can do so by using the promo code FUTURE50 during the online check-out process for joining or renewing their IEEE membership.

This IEEE Board action is providing financial relief to students affected by the global pandemic and subsequent economic hardships around the world. The action empowers IEEE volunteer leaders with an additional tool to help students in need of IEEE’s resources, as well as assist students whose IEEE membership has lapsed.

Students who recently renewed or joined at full price can reach out to the IEEE Contact Center at: and request a credit on future membership dues.

Follow IEEE-Denver on Social Media!Follow along with the local events and happenings of your IEEE Denver section by subscribing on social media.
And don't forget to "like" and share your favorite posts!

Message from Jim Sipes, Chair, IEEE Denver Section. 

Welcome to a New Year, with a new set of challenges and opportunities!

I suspect none of us are sad to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror. As the Covid-19 vaccines become more and more available, we begin to see the possibility of 2021 returning to a more nearly normal, pre-pandemic life. I personally felt a great weight lifted when I got my first vaccine jab, and I hope that all take the opportunity of getting those jabs as our turns come up.

We plan to continue with virtual meetings for much of this year; if things are looking safe by late in the year, we may be able to start returning to meeting face-to-face. As we return to face-to-face, we should be looking closely at how to continue capitalizing on one of our learnings from this period of virtual meetings – how to share meetings over geographically diverse areas. Many of our chapters and groups have been having joint technical meetings with chapters and groups in other parts of our region and in other regions. One of the chapters had a meeting in which the principal speaker was in South Korea! So how to have successful hybrid meetings, with some participants virtual and some face-to-face but with all feeling included is going to be our next challenge to master.

With the New Year the Denver Section has me as the new chair and a new vice-chair, Jeff Hardy. Jason Rupe gets to retire to being Past-Chair, and Ian MacMillan gets to move from being Past-Chair to doing lots of other stuff. There are still many opportunities to contribute to the Section, and all are welcome at our monthly virtual ExCom meetings on the third Tuesday of the month. And don’t forget our monthly Webex and Learn (aka, Dine and Learn) technical presentations on the second Tuesday of the month.

The 2021 IEEE Green Technologies Conference Organizing Committee is hard at work getting this year’s conference, April 7-9, ready to roll. Papers have been submitted and approved and the technical program is being finalized, but there is still opportunity to contribute to making it a success. For more information, see

If GreenTech is not your thing, the Colorado Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF) still has openings for judges. CSEF brings together the best of the thirteen Colorado Regional Fairs, with typically over 300 middle and high school students’ projects being judged at the state level. Winners at the state level then have the opportunity to compete internationally.  It is a great opportunity to interact with Colorado’s brightest students and is a very rewarding experience. Judging will be held virtually on April 8, 2021. For more information, see or contact me directly at

Here’s to a safe and (hopefully) back-to-normal 2021!

From the Editor’s Desk, Ernest Worthman

Breaking up is hard to do

Recently National Public Radio did a drill-down on what has been simmering on the back burners of several government agencies for a while now – how to manage the tech giants.

In the center of the radar screen are Facebook, Alphabet (Google’s parent company), Apple, and Amazon. Usually known as FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google, Netflix). The new acronym for the U.S. House of Representatives-targeted monopoly players is FAAA (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet).

There has been much noise, for a couple of years on the supposed negative impact of these Silicon Valley giants. Recently, the House Judiciary Committee finished up a report that found the members of FAAA are monopolies. The report is 450 pages and the result of a 16-month investigation (which is one of the things politicians do best, generate reports).

Note that this was a House report. I doubt the Senate, its Republicans to be precise, share the same viewpoint because, in fact, none of the Senators have endorsed it. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a deeper dive into the conclusions of the committee.

The report claims FAAA are the dominant players in their respective segments and they control the market. And, while the report finds some antitrust possibilities, I did not find that the report made really strong arguments on the control issue.

OK, but it is not like these tech companies were handed this. The leaders of these companies are shrewd, edge-of-the-envelope, forward-thinking individuals that saw opportunity and seized upon it.

So, now they have gone from darling, a few years ago, to monsters that gobble up everything in their path to achieve dominance.

The report is titled “Investigation of Competition in Digital Markets.” It has been recapped by any number of media outlets but there are some interesting points nestled between the usual legal pontifications.

The first assessment is that they are too big and need to be broken up into separate units – shades of the original AT&T. However, these “monopolies” have a different model. The investigation claims they are controlling the market by stifling competition. I found that much of what the investigations claimed was marginal.

Take Facebook, for example. The rub here is that they absorbed their immediate competition – Instagram and WhatsApp. That certainly puts the kibosh on their major competition. However, it does have a competitor, of sorts, in LinkedIn, although not a major one.

However, truth be told, who cares if Facebook is a monopoly? Nobody is being forced to use it or advertise on it. It does not cost the user and if advertisers want to be visible on it, you either pay the going rate or do not advertise.

This is not like having a monopoly in personal protective equipment where people on Amazon were charging big bucks for masks and it was a critical product or service. It is Facebook, a novelty, even if it is a global app.

There is really no harm in it being the only app of its kind. This is a fair game. If advertisers want to connect with users, then pay the price. Nobody is going to die if a vendor does not connect with users or users do not have another choice other than Facebook.

What about Amazon? It grew to where it is now because it filled a need nobody else offered. There is plenty of competition to it, particularly Walmart.

There might be some question if Amazon is selling its own brand in competition to its members and prevents them from selling the same product. However, I have not seen that. For the most part, Amazon is, technically, a marketplace that offers sales opportunities to anyone who wants it. You do not have to buy an Amazon product – there are plenty of choices.

The same goes for Google, which has the largest search engine. But again, there are a ton of others; Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Ask, are the major ones but there are also smaller ones such as DuckDuckGo, AOL, Dogpile, and more (who, in their right mind would name anything Dogpile anyway). Perhaps Google could, simply, be forbidden to buy competitive search apps.

But again, who cares if Google has the search engine field sewn up as long as there are others that can be used, and Google does not stop the user from using other choices.

Aside from some of the absurdities the report makes, there are a couple of arguments worth discussing. One is how to even the playing field where there is legitimate concern about monopolies that actually restricts competition. An example of that is by restricting what other companies Facebook can acquire.

For Google, there could be restrictions on their search engine that keep them from interfering with competing ones. For Apple, it could be that they must have open-source code for their apps requiring equal space for competitive apps that are not Apple-certified.

There is also the question of the ramifications of reigning them in – the law of unintended circumstances. For example, if you, say, break up Apple into sub-companies, it can have a negative effect on their ability to maintain ubiquitous service and technical excellence.

Antitrust is a slippery slope in high tech. There are no real precedents for digital monopolies, which makes current laws dated. Although some of the antitrust elements certainly apply, digital economies have different models than those that sell goods, questioning the applicability of existing laws to digital models. So, following these dated “analog-era” laws can have a slew of unintended consequences.

I believe a better approach is to see exactly what verifiable damage is being caused by these mega-corporations before we run off reeling them in because they capitalized on new opportunities and became the dominant players.

Personally, I do not use Facebook or Instagram. WhatsApp is useful if I am out of my mobile carrier’s network (internationally). I use Bing as my search engine and as far as Amazon goes, I use it because it is convenient and, much of the time, I cannot find what I need locally at a decent price. I do not use “Whole Paycheck” simply because the ubiquitous grocery story is too expensive (although Amazon is working on that).

The report notes that Amazon is the “dominant online marketplace” and that evidence “demonstrates that Amazon functions as a gatekeeper for eCommerce.” Well, ok. That results in a standardized interface with a single point of interface to eCommerce. I happen to like that. And is Walmart that much different?

Another conclusion was that Fortune 500 companies, in dealing with the tech giants, feel dependent on their whims. Well, cry me a river and call the waaambulance! I am pretty sure they did not become a top Fortune company by being the nicest guys on the block.

This report may be timely to, shall we say, cap the unrest Washington has been feeling about big tech. However, I do not believe antitrust legislation should be wielded with a sledgehammer, if at all in these cases.

Let us start with some precision microsurgery and see how the patients fare if the government feels it has to do this to make it look like they are actually accomplishing something.

Of course, FAAA players all dispute the findings. While there may be some validity to them, to me, as our illustrious leader likes to say, it looks a bit like a witch hunt.

In essence, their mega-status does not affect me, or most of the people I know. In spite of what the politicians in the House have determined, I still have plenty of choices.

2021 Congressional Visits Day

About This Year’s CVD

Our CVD will be a bit different in 2021.

Because travel to Washington is still difficult (and probably unwise), this year’s CVD will be virtual. Instead of traveling to Washington, participants will meet with their legislators at their local legislative offices, by video conference, or by conference call, depending on your location.

This change is necessary, but it is also an opportunity. Because nobody can travel to Washington, your legislators will not expect you to. In fact, IEEE-USA has learned that many legislative offices are having difficulty communicating with their voters because they can’t do face-to-face meetings. This means that our meetings will be especially valuable, and appreciated, this year.

What’s Different This Year

IEEE-USA will be arranging meetings for CVD participants with all three of their legislators in Washington, both Senators and your Representative. We will give the legislators the option of holding the meeting in-person at their local office (not in DC), or electronically. We expect most of these meetings to be conference calls, but in-person meetings are still possible in some parts of the country, so we want to leave that option on the table.

Meetings will be scheduled for 14 April.* IEEE-USA will coordinate the specific schedule with you and your local team of volunteers.

Everything else will be the same. Teams of volunteers from your local community will meet with your legislators to introduce yourselves to your elected leaders, to explain what IEEE is and what you do, and discuss IEEE-USA’s legislative priorities for the coming year. These meetings will be the best opportunity IEEE-USA has to communicate, as a group, with the new Congress.

Registration will close on 12 March, so please register at your earliest convenience.

CVD’s Objectives

SET CVD raises awareness of the long-term importance of science, engineering and technology to the nation.

The core messages we will deliver in 2021 are:

  • Sustained investments in technology research are essential to our nation’s the long-term prosperity.
  • Science, Engineering and Technology partnerships between government, universities, and industries mean progress, economic growth and jobs for our Nation.
  • Federal investments in basic research across the engineering and scientific fields must be maintained.

Basic Ground Rules for Participants

  • First-time CVD participants are encouraged to attend one of the training sessions that will be scheduled prior to your meetings. Experienced CVD attendees are invited to attend. These training sessions will be recorded and made available to all participants.
  • IEEE-USA will schedule all meetings with your Representative, Senators and/or their staff, based on constituency. Please indicate your approximate availability when you register.
  • Remember that you will be attending all your meetings as part of a team consisting of other IEEE members.
  • If you have connections to legislators other than those you vote for, there may be opportunities for you to participate in additional meetings. However, please be mindful and allow the constituent(s) to lead his/her meeting.
  • We understand that you cannot be available for any time the week of March 29th. IEEE-USA will do everything we can to accommodate all participants’ schedules, but we may not be able to find a time that works for everyone and for your legislators.
  • Once you commit to a meeting, it is vital that you participate.
  • If you need to cancel your CVD registration, please contact Kayla Henneberry ( ASAP so meetings she made in your behalf can be canceled.
  • You will want to meet your team members and work on your “message” to legislators prior to your meetings.


CVD is free for all participants.

Dress Code

In-person meetings: Business Professional Attire

Video meetings: Also Business Professional Attire


IEEE-USA will be distributing leave-behind and other preparatory materials to you in advance. We will also be posting videos to help prepare you for your meetings starting in early March. Materials for the “Leave Behind” Folder will be made available at the IEEE-USA Training.

Advanced E-drive Systems

Designed to Provide a Synergized Understanding of E-Drive Motors, E-Motors and Power Electronics

Taking Place Online on 24 & 25 March 2021
Automotive IQ brings you the Advanced E-Drive Systems for BEV/HEVs 2021 conference (24-25 March), focusing on cutting-edge developments in e-drive components, e-motors and power electronics.
Thoroughly researched with attendees and speakers from our long-running E-Motor Technology Conference (sold out 8 years in row!), the Component Innovation for E-Drives Conference, and the Advanced Power Electronics for EV/HEV event, the latest digital event is designed to deliver greater value from the comfort of your home/office.
Log in from your own home, or office, on Tuesday, March 24th from 3:00pm CET/9:00am EST and join over 500 automotive experts to:
  • Better understand market demand for key e-drive components and technologies: Roadmap for future electrified drives
  • Select permanent magnet and low rare earth material motor and control for electric vehicles
  • Understand requirements for new e-drive applications, including velocity limits, types of transmissions, voltage loads, and expected life
  • Develop electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles
  • Learn more about Shift-by-wire solutions for better performance in EV/HEV transmissions
  • Hear about cutting-edge compact, cost-effective electric drive solution for battery-electric vehicles and hybrid application
  • Learn simulation approaches for e-motors that are combined with power conversion system: strategies to mitigate the risk of motor failures
  • And more!
View the full online agenda to explore the full range of sessions and discussions that you can be a part of.
On behalf of Automotive IQ, I look forward to welcoming you to the online event in March.
Alishba Jan



The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) is one of the two flagship conferences of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). ICC 2021 will be held virtually 14-23 June.

Themed “Connectivity-Security-Privacy,” ICC 2021 will feature an extensive high quality program of keynotes, tutorials and workshops covering a range of topics including: 5G, 6G, AI, Sensing, Internet of Things and so much more.

Join us online or in Montreal to share ideas, learn the latest research, innovations and hear insights from the experts at ICC 2021.


ICC 2021 will feature more 25 workshops on a wide array of topics. Workshop paper submissions are still being accepted through February 19, 2021 (FIRM).


ICC 2021 will offer 30 tutorials covering 6G, machine learning, AI, MIMO, UAV cellular and more.

The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) is a premier annual IEEE Conference in the wireless research arena bringing together researchers, academics, and industry professionals around the world. IEEE WCNC 2021 will take place from 29 March to 1 April in Nanjing, China.

The WCNC 2021 program will feature exciting technical symposia, tutorials, workshops, industry panels and exhibitions covering technical and business issues in wireless communications and networking, and other topics ranging from technology issues to emerging applications.

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Peiying Zhu, Senior Vice President of Wireless Research, Huawei
  • Mathias Fink, George Charpak Professor at ESPCI Paris, France
  • Xinhui Wang , Director of Wireless Standardization and Industrial Relationship, ZTE
  • Muriel Médard, Cecil H. Green Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Department at MIT
  • Zhiqin Wang, Vice President of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
  • Dr. Xianbin Wang, Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair at Western University, Canada


  • Tutorials
    • Full Duplex: Technologies, Standards, and Roadmap
    • Trends and Technologies for 5G Evolution
    • Integration of Radar Sensing and Communications (ISC)
    • 6G: The Next Horizon – From Connected People and Things to Connected Intelligence
    • 5G Exposure: Health Risks and New EMF-Aware Cellular Networks Planning
    • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) for B5G Wireless Communications


Technical Program

Please visit HERE for the Technical Program of IEEE INFOCOM 2021, which includes all workshops, technical sessions, posters, and demos.

Information about Student Conference Grants is Available. For more details please click HERE.
The List of Accepted Papers is Available. For more details please click HERE.
The List of Distinguished TPC Members is Available. For more details please click HERE.
Guidelines for Final Paper Submission for Technical Papers in the Workshops is Available. For more details please click HERE
Guidelines for Final Paper Submission for Technical Papers in the Main Conference is Available. For more details please click HERE
Registration is now live!
Call for Papers [Workshops] is Available. For more details please click HERE.
IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Will Be Held Virtual. Due to the current pandemic in North America and around the world, IEEE INFOCOM 2021 will be offered as a virtual conference.  
Call for Workshop Proposals is Available

For more details please click HERE. PDF version is available HERE.

IEEE Women in Engineering

2020 Award Winners

The IEEE Women in Engineering awards program recognizes WIE members and WIE Affinity Groups who have made an outstanding contribution to IEEE WIE, their community, and the engineering profession, through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the IEEE WIE goals and objectives.  Women engineers are among some of the most distinguished contributors to the engineering profession. Here are the 2020 award winners.

WIE Inspiring Member of the Year Award:
Winner: Lee Yoot Khuan (R10)
Honorable Mention: Divya M G (R10)
Honorable Mention: Simay Akar (R8)

WIE Inspiring Student Member of the Year Award:
Winner: Indhumathi Gunasekaran (R10)
Honorable Mention: Ana Hellen Carvalho dos Santos (R9)
Honorable Mention: Rossana Gauto Moran (R9)

WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award:
Winner: WIE Ottawa AG (R7)
Honorable Mention: WIE Argentina AG (R9)
Honorable Mention: WIE Malaysia AG (R10)

WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award:
Winner: WIE Universidade Federal de Campina Grande UFCG SBAG (R9)
Honorable Mention: WIE Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas UPIITA SBAG (R9)
Honorable Mention: WIE Universidad Don Bosco SBAG (R9)


Click here to be taken to the site for more details.

Call for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials

IMS 2021 Paper Submission

International Microwave Symposium  6 – 11 June 2021, Atlanta, GA

You are cordially invited to join us in Atlanta at the intersection of communications, aerospace, automotive, IoT and other emerging technologies to learn the latest developments in MHz-to-THz theories, techniques, devices, systems and applications. Please consider submitting your paper to the premier RF and Microwave event!

Please see links below to various materials helpful in completing your paper submission.

Click here to submit your paper to IMS2021

New this year:
For the initial submission deadline, the paper length is three pages maximum. Papers longer than three pages will not be considered. For accepted papers, a fourth page can be added, but may be used ONLY for references (inclusion of any material except for references will not be accepted for publication).

IMS will be a hybrid conference — both face-to-face and virtual. We are 100% committed to our authors to give them the opportunity and forum to publish and present their work in a manner they feel most comfortable. Authors of the papers selected for presentation at IMS2021 may elect to present either live or virtually upon final submission of the manuscripts.

NEW MWCL Special Issue of “Top IMS 2021 Papers”! IMS2021 TPRC will select a number of high quality papers (estimated 50 papers) for MWCL editorial review. The corresponding authors will receive email invitations to publish their IMS papers at the MWCL special issue on “Top IMS 2021 Papers”.

Click here for more information.

97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
Conducted and OTA Measurement Challenges for Urban, Rural & SatComm Connectivity
Atlanta, GA, USA, June 11, 2021


The 97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference, which is part of IMS week 2021, will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, with an exciting collection of measurement topics to be presented. The theme for this conference is:

“Conducted and OTA Measurement Challenges for Urban, Rural & SatComm Connectivity”.

Technical papers are solicited describing original work in areas of measurement for state-of-the-art and next-generation technologies for communications and sensing including, but not limited to:

-Backhaul measurements challenges for terrestrial and extraterrestrial systems –Direction-Finding, angle-of-arrival and time-of-flight techniques for comm systems –Millimeter-wave antenna and OTA testing –Millimeter-wave product manufacturing measurement and calibration challenges

Topics always of interest include:

-RF/digital mixed-signal measurement and calibration –Nonlinear / large-signal measurement and modeling techniques –Terahertz measurement techniques –Calibration methods –Materials measurement approaches


February 12, 2021   Paper summary due in PDF format.
March 7, 2021         Paper acceptance and classification will be communicated.
March 27, 2021       Publication-ready paper is due in PDF format.

Instructions for Authors

Contributed papers will be presented as 20-minute talks or in an interactive poster session. The final version of the papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and will be submitted as well to IEEE Xplore, provided it has been presented during the conference.

We request that authors submit a 4-page summary paper with supporting figures of both experimental setups and measurement results to enable evaluations of the novelty of the work. More details and submission instructions can be found at:

This year, ARFTG will also be participating in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition along with IMS and RFIC. Authors of accepted papers will be able to enter this competition with finalists presenting a description of their work for a general audience.

Exhibit & Sponsorship

The 97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference also offers an outstanding exhibition and sponsorship opportunity. Please contact our Exhibits and Sponsorship Chairs (, directly for further information.

IEEE ComSoc International Communications Quality and Reliability Workshop

13 May 2021 // Virtual Conference

Call for Papers

The 35th IEEE International Workshop on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR2021) will be held virtually on 13 May 2021. The workshop will offer technical sessions, original paper presentations, and keynotes panels designed to further career opportunities and the in-depth understanding of key issues impacting communications networks quality and reliability.

Continuing the tradition of this series of workshops, CQR 2021 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the areas listed below.

You are invited to submit a paper related to various aspects of QoS and Reliability for the following networks/services, but are not limited to:

-Grid and Distributed Cloud Computing – Software Defined Networks -Network Function Virtualization -Data Center Networks -Information-Centric Networking -Vehicular Networks -Cognitive Radio Networks -Delay Tolerant Networks -Internet of Things (IoT) -5G/B5G Mobile Networks -Network Slicing -Edge/Fog Computing -MIMO Communications -Robotics -Application of Data Analytics -Network Architecture and Design -Network Security and Reliability -Network Survivability -Operations, Administration and Maintenance -QoS Metrics and Measurement -QoS Policy and Assessment -QoE Assessment and Management-Resource Allocation and Management -Anomaly Detection -Intrusion Detection -Impact of Security on QoE -Scheduling and Buffer Management-Traffic Control -Traffic Modeling and Characterization -Service Level Agreement -Machine Learning for Networking -ML-based Operations


IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021)


The 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021) will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 7 -11 December 2021. Themed “Connecting Cultures around the Globe,” this flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 12 symposia, selected areas in communications track and a variety of tutorials and workshops. IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 will also include an attractive Industry program aimed at practitioners, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and vendor exhibits.

Industry Forums and Exhibition Program

Proposals are sought for forums, panels, demos, seminars and presentations specifically related to issues facing the broader communications and networking industries.


Proposals are sought for half- or full-day tutorials in all communication and networking topics.


Proposals are sought for half- or full-day workshops in all communication and networking topics.

-Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks –Communication and Information System Security –Communication QoS –Reliability and Modeling
-Communication Software and Multimedia –Communication Theory –Green Communication Systems and Networks –IoT and Sensor Networks
Mobile and Wireless Networks –Next-Generation Networking and Internet –Optical Networks and Systems –Signal Processing for Communications
Wireless Communications

Selected Areas in Communications:

           – Aerial Communications – Big Data – Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage – E-Health – Full-Duplex Communications – Machine Learning for                Communications – Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications  – Quantum Communications and Computing – Satellite and Space
communications – Smart Grid Communications -Social Networks

IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)

24-28 May 2021 // Virtual Conference


With the theme “From the Historical Black Sea for a Future World of Communications”, the 9th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), is seeking original, completed, and unpublished technical papers not currently under review by any other journal, magazine, or conference. Besides the regular technical papers, the conference also welcomes the submission of poster papers that present work in progress, with preliminary results, tutorials, and demos.

Technical Scope:

-Software Defined Networks, Network Virtualization, and Network Slicing -Communications for Cloud, Edge and Fog –Social networking, connected health and multimedia communications –Optical Networks and Systems, Radio over Fiber –Mobile and Wireless Communications and Networking
-Image, Speech and Signal Processing for Communications –Molecular and Nanoscale Communications –Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies for the Internet and its Applications –Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in wireless communications and networks –Big Data analysis, processing and transmission –5G and beyond Mobile Systems –Internet of Things and Sensor Networks –Smart grids, M2M and Vehicular Networks
Future Internet and Testbeds –Network and Service Management –Communications and Information Theory –Cognitive Radio and Networking –Security, Privacy and Trust –Sustainable Communications and Computing –Edge/Fog computing and networking –Drones, UAV, V2X communications –Tactile Internet, Ultra-Reliable Ultra-Low-Latency Communications

Submission Deadline: 28 February 2021

The 2021 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2021) will be held in Atlanta, GA, on 6-8 June 2021.

Continuing in 2021: RFIC has expanded its focus to include systems, applications, and interactive demonstrations, including 5G systems, radar systems, terahertz systems, biomedical systems, and optoelectronic systems.

The 2021 symposium is currently planned as a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual activities. More details to follow. In person events will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, GA. RFIC 2021 starts on Sunday, June 6, 2021 with a large selection of workshops followed by two plenary talks and a reception featuring our top industry and student papers. Monday and Tuesday, June 7-8 will consist of oral presentations, an interactive demonstration, and panel sessions.

We invite authors to submit their technical papers via the RFIC 2021 website, where both the author’s guidelines and Call for Papers can be found. Complete information on how and when to submit a paper will be posted on the RFIC 2021 website. The symposium solicits papers describing original work in RF integrated circuits, systems engineering, design methodology, RF modeling and CAD simulation, RFIC technologies, device technologies, fabrication, testing, reliability, packaging, and modules to support RF applications in areas such as Wireless Cellular and Connectivity, Low Power Transceivers, Receiver Sub-Systems and Circuits, Mixed-Signal RF and Data Converters, Reconfigurable and Tunable Front-Ends, Transmitter Sub-Systems and Power Amplifiers, Oscillators, Frequency Synthesis, Millimeter- and Sub-Millimeter Wave Systems, and High-Speed Data Transceivers. The new extended RFIC scope now includes papers on systems and applications in 5G, radar, imaging, terahertz, biomedical, connectivity, and optoelectronic areas.

As with last year, a double-blind review process will be adopted to ensure anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Detailed instructions on how to submit a paper compliant with double-blind rules are found here.

Electronic Submission Deadlines:
Technical Paper Summaries in PDF format:                        11 January 2021
Final Manuscripts for the Digest and Attendee Download:     22 March 2021

All submissions must be made at in pdf form. Hard Copies are not accepted.

OWNLOAD the RFIC 2021 Call for Papers

Brian Floyd
RFIC 2021 General Chair

7th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2021)

This will be a hybrid event, held in Tokyo, Japan, from 28 June to 2 July 2021. The conference’s theme is “Accelerating Network Softwarization in the Cognitive Age,” a reflection of the current trend of research in the area of network softwarization.

Like in past years, IEEE NetSoft will host a set of workshops to complement the conference program with in-depth or integration forums that are dedicated to emerging topics and/or topics specifically related to IEEE NetSoft 2021. Accepted and presented workshop papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.


WIN: Workshop on Intent-based Networking

IEEE Happenings

Nothing here this issue but watch for the nest issue

WIE Conference – Accelerating Though Change

April 27 -30 2021 (Virtual)

Join us at the 8th annual IEEE WIE ILC!

The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (WIE ILC) aims to support and sustain women leaders and technologists, especially those in mid to senior career. Enhance your leadership skills and knowledge of the tech industry, while networking with 1000+ STEM leaders from around the world.

                          Speakers (click to see speaker data)





GreenTech 2021 & R5 Annual Meeting

Denver Section will be again hosting the GreenTech & R5 Annual Meeting in 2021.  The Students Robotics Competition is an exciting part of the the R5 Annual Meeting. The Conference Organizing Committee is forming up if you’d like to be involved in making this great fun conference happen, please contact

by Ian MacMillan

Upcoming Events

You can see all of our upcoming events on the IEEE Denver Events Calendar  

The IEEE Denver Section is comprised of over 3600 engineers and technical professionals in the Denver – Boulder area.

Mission Statement Enrich the professional and personal lives of the Rocky Mountain Region members, developing them into valued contributors to society through quality programs, continuing education, career development and community service; in collaboration with IEEE, industry, government and academia.
 IEEE-Denver, PO Box 18385, Denver, CO 80234
Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.


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