See the Upcoming Events for Denver Section in a List Format. This list maybe more current than the Calendar below.
See the list of Upcoming Colorado Conferences
Calendar of Events
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IEEE AESS-SPS February ExCom Meeting
IEEE AESS-SPS February ExCom Meeting
IEEE-AESS-SPS Monthly ExCom Meeting for February 2025 Agenda: Agenda: - Call to Order - Chair Report - Vice Chair Report - Treasurer Report - Secretary Report - Additions to Agenda - Adjourn Virtual:
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CIS & CIR, EMC, and CU Boulder: Interconnection Scaling – Going Big and Going Small
CIS & CIR, EMC, and CU Boulder: Interconnection Scaling – Going Big and Going Small
Title: Interconnection Scaling – Going Big and Going Small Abstract: This presentation will cover a high-level overview of interconnections between integrated circuits – trends over the past several decades and what technologies may support future trends, along with a discussion of basic signal integrity considerations for such interconnections. Over most of the past 50 years the scaling of silicon integration was the winning hand for increased performance with packaging and interconnections scaling at substantially lower rates. Fundamental challenges in nanometer process nodes have effectively ended the steadily increasing benefits of Moore’s Law so new paradigms for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D Heterogeneous Integration packaging technologies are being proposed and developed to keep system performance scaling moving forward. Rapidly moving a lot of data between chips is fundamental to all these approaches. One approach for dense, high bandwidth interconnections will be discussed in some detail to illustrate tradeoffs and discuss the limits of how interconnections between chips can reach the limits of interconnections within chips. Co-sponsored by: University of Colorado Boulder Agenda: 6:30PM - 7:00PM Social 7:00PM - 8:00PM Technical Talk Room: KOBL 352, Bldg: Rustandy Building, 1111 Engineering Dr, Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80309
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CIR & CIS Joint Technical Meeting (triple robotics event)
CIR & CIS Joint Technical Meeting (triple robotics event)
IEEE Denver Computer, Information Theory & Robotics Society, Computational Intelligence Society, and Colorado School of Mines – Joint Technical Meeting (triple event). February 14, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (MDT) Thong Quoc (Bill) Huynh Presentation: Reduced Dimensionality of State Space: Faster Motion Planning and Infeasibility Proofs. Jonathan Diller Presentation: Path-Finding for Energy-Sharing Drone-UGV Teams. Dr. Frankie Zhu Presentation: Autonomous Robots Traversing Space Environments. Location: Colorado School of Mines Marquez Hall, room 126 Parking: Free street parking along Washington Ave and parts of 16th, 17th, and Arapahoe streets (look for City of Golden signs, parking on campus streets requires a permit). Paid parking is available at 940 18th St, Golden, CO 80401. Invited: Colorado School of Mines and IEEE CIR & CIS society members. Cost: Free Speaker(s): , , Room: 126, Bldg: Marquez Hall, 1600 Arapahoe St, Golden, CO 80401, Colorado, United States, 80401
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Executive Meeting
Executive Meeting
Executive Committee meeting Agenda: Gather Discuss Eat Leave Austins, Harmony Location, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
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6th Annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI
6th Annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI
Join us for our sixth annual gathering of Women in STEM! Artificial Intelligence is integral to our daily lives, from how we interact with our health care providers, to our social media, to how our grocery stores are provisioned. Engineers will be upskilling to address the responsibilities and risks of including AI in our designs and solutions. DU Women in STEM, #wie5280, Rocky Mountain SWE, Rocky Mountain WICT and the Colorado Chapter of WiCyS invite you to virtually join our annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI. The Technical Talk special guest Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, the best-selling author of 'Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding', 'Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and the ‘AppSec Antics’ card game; will address Artificial Risks: AI, Games, and Threat Modelling. The Panel guests will explore the critical social, ethical, legal, economic and policy considerations that influence the development, deployment and societal integration of AI. Thank you to our sponsor Xcel Energy Co-sponsored by: DU Alumni Women in STEM/SWE/WICT/WiCyS Speaker(s): Tanya Janca, Dean Boyd, Agenda: 5:30 pm Virtual Meeting Starts Special guest Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, the best-selling author of 'Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding', 'Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and the ‘AppSec Antics’ card game; will address Artificial Risks: AI, Games, and Threat Modelling. 6:00 pm Break 6:20 pm Ice Breaker and Welcome 6:30 pm Panel Discussion Virtual:
IEEE Denver ExCom February 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)
IEEE Denver ExCom February 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)
In Person attendance at McNeil Hall Building, Colorado School of Mines. Address: 1400 Maple St, Golden, CO 80401 in Room McNeil Hall, 315 Parking: Parking is free and information will be shared to registrants on the same day morning. Event will be happening in the same building as the parking garage and can be accessed using the elevator to go to floor L3. Remote attendance via WebEx call-in: Denver Excom Meeting Hosted by IEEE Denver Section 3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 596 761 562 Password: huVJgx2N7b7 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 596 761 562 Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm - Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum - Additions to the Agenda - Officer Reports - Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates - Committee Reports - Old Business - Other Items & New Business - Adjourn Room: 315, Bldg: McNeil Hall , 1400 Maple St, Golden, Colorado, United States, 80401, Virtual:
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CIR & CIS: Launch Vehicle Control System Analysis: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry
CIR & CIS: Launch Vehicle Control System Analysis: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry
Abstract: This presentation explores the essential skills and knowledge needed by control system engineers in the space launch industry, focusing on the gap between academic theory and practical industry applications. While graduates learn key concepts like linear and nonlinear systems, root-locus methods, and Matlab-based analysis, professionals in the field must go further by mastering Nichols plots, designing control schemes for multiple-input systems, and performing complex analyses in languages like Fortran. This talk aims to prepare future engineers by highlighting these advanced skills, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to the evolving demands of the space launch sector. Attendees will learn how to apply their academic foundations to real-world challenges and innovate within the industry. Speaker(s): Mr. William Burgoyne, Room: W375, Bldg: Brown Hall, 1523 Illinois St, Golden, Colorado, United States, 80401
Join us for a night of trivia at Landlocked Ales! Trivia starts at 7 PM but we will be around starting at 6:30 PM to grab tables and mingle. IEEE will be providing food from Sauvage Food Truck (Cajun cuisine)! 3225 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, Colorado, United States, 80227
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IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
The talk will first present baseline trends for key indicators on the current economy, including budget and financial conditions. It will then discuss potential economic effects of possible policies of the new Trump administration. Speaker(s): Lee Price, Agenda: 6:00 to 6:05 PM - Open for participants to enter and network. 6:05 to 6:10 PM - IEEE LM and CTCN Business meeting and speaker introduction. 6:10 to 7:30 PM - Formal Program and Q&A. Virtual:
Killed by a Traffic Engineer
Killed by a Traffic Engineer
A presentation by Author Wes Marshall who has generated international acclaim for his book, "Killed by A Traffic Engineer" . As reviewed by Susan Handy, Professor, U of California, Davis "A blistering critique of the disconnect between what transportation engineers do and what the research tells us about traffic safety. This book is a wake-up call for all of Us." Speaker(s): Wes, Agenda: 7:00 pm Doors Open 7:15 PM Welcome- Kris Waage 7:25 Did Ja Hear 7:40 pm Main Presentation- Wes Marshall, PhD. PE Room: Cleveland Room, DeskChair Workspace, 201 E. 4th Street, Loveland, Colorado, United States, 80537, Virtual:
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Engineers in Real Life – 2025
Engineers in Real Life – 2025
Engineers from a range of industries and specialties will be at the University of Houston Clear Lake to show K-12 students the types of work they do and the careers available. No registration needed for students. Engineers who wish to participate must notify organizers by February 14th at 6pm. For more information: Room: Atrium, Bldg: Bayou Building, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, United States, 77059
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Black Hills – Executive Committee Meeting (2025 Feb) via Zoom
Black Hills – Executive Committee Meeting (2025 Feb) via Zoom
Meeting for general administration and operation of the Black Hills Subsection. Virtual:
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Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems
Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems
IEEE Magnetics Society Seminar Location: NIST, Boulder, 325 Broadway, Building 2, Room 2-0113 Date and Time: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 Refreshments provided at 10:00 AM Seminar starts at 10:30 AM Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems Prof. Dacen Waters Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Denver Strongly correlated and topological phases in condensed matter systems are at the cutting edge of fundamental physics studies, as well as being promising candidates for the next generation of technological capabilities like quantum computing. In recent years, a remarkable amount of progress has been made in creating and controlling such phases by introducing a small twist angle or lattice mismatch between two dimensional (2D) materials. These systems, called moiré systems, have facilitated the surprising discovery of strongly correlated phases where one might not expect them (e.g. superconductivity in “magic-angle” twisted bilayer graphene) or long-sought new physics (e.g. the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (FQAHE) in twisted MoTe2). However, much of the work in this rapidly developing field have focused on the case where the constituent 2D materials of the moiré system are monolayers, or at most bilayers. I will show that this restriction to one or two atomic layers is unnecessarily limiting. Surprising new phenomenology can be realized in graphitic moiré systems, where at least one component is three-layers or more. Most notably, we find that a new type of “moiré enabled” electron crystallization can occur that spontaneously breaks the moiré translational symmetry and has dissipationless edge modes, analogous to a topological version of a Wigner crystal. Our results suggest that these topological electron crystals 1) are at least somewhat common across multilayer graphene moiré systems, 2) can have uniquely tunable magnetization states, and 3) closely compete with the newly discovered FQAHE. Understanding this competition, as well as the novel phenomenology of the topological electron crystal phase, will be of fundamental interest in future studies of strongly correlated topological systems. Prof. Dacen Waters earned his bachelor’s degrees in physics and mechanical engineering from Arkansas Tech University. He then went on to get his PhD in physics at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Profs. Randy Feenstra and Ben Hunt. His PhD work focused on two-dimensional material and moiré systems using scanning tunneling microscopy. He then went on to be a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Matthew Yankowitz’s lab at the University of Washington, where he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. At the University of Washington, he utilized transport studies to investigate novel correlated and topological states in graphitic moiré systems. In Fall of 2024, he began as an Assistant Professor in the University of Denver Department of Physics and Astronomy. Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 161 982 7375 Passcode: 068475 Speaker(s): , Dacen Waters Room: 2-0113, Bldg: Building 2, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Virtual:
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Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Cyber law specialist, Sarah Anderson, speaks on the legal actions developing around Artificial Intelligence. Speaker(s): Sarah, Virtual:
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
Join the IEEE PES/IAS Denver Chapter during our February technical meeting. Our guest speaker this month is Daniel Khoroshansky, President and Founder of Windward Coaching Services, LLC. Schedule 6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking 6:30 – Dinner Served 7:00 – Presentation 8:00 – Adjourn Summary: Title: Influence for Engineers — What is influence, and why mastering it can drive success at any level Description: Engineers hate corporate politics--I know I did. Naturally, we're inclined to spend most of our time solving cool problems for interesting customers, and prefer not to dabble in what we perceive as "games" that are played at senior levels in the workplace. What if there was another way of looking at this? What if small changes could drastically improve your ability to communicate with senior management, build coalitions, secure resources for your team & projects, push for raises and promotions, and overall lead to a more useful dialogue in the workplace? Engineers and engineering leaders that master this skill can elevate their careers and their team's successes to a whole new level. We'll explore tactics to identify areas in which influence plays a vital role in positive outcomes—even in a technical environment—and strategies to increase your sphere of influence in your professional/personal life. Speaker(s): Dan Bldg: Denver Chophouse, 1735 19th St Ste 100, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80202, Virtual:
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
Join the IEEE PES/IAS Denver Chapter during our February technical meeting. Our guest speaker this month is Daniel Khoroshansky, President and Founder of Windward Coaching Services, LLC. Schedule 6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking 6:30 – Dinner Served 7:00 – Presentation 8:00 – Adjourn Summary: Title: Influence for Engineers — What is influence, and why mastering it can drive success at any level Description: Engineers hate corporate politics--I know I did. Naturally, we're inclined to spend most of our time solving cool problems for interesting customers, and prefer not to dabble in what we perceive as "games" that are played at senior levels in the workplace. What if there was another way of looking at this? What if small changes could drastically improve your ability to communicate with senior management, build coalitions, secure resources for your team & projects, push for raises and promotions, and overall lead to a more useful dialogue in the workplace? Engineers and engineering leaders that master this skill can elevate their careers and their team's successes to a whole new level. We'll explore tactics to identify areas in which influence plays a vital role in positive outcomes—even in a technical environment—and strategies to increase your sphere of influence in your professional/personal life. Speaker(s): Dan Bldg: Denver Chophouse, 1735 19th St Ste 100, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80202, Virtual: